For the ladies: Listen, its time for me to be vulnerable, frank, - TopicsExpress


For the ladies: Listen, its time for me to be vulnerable, frank, and honest. I met a guy who was showing interest, he gave me his number and asked to hang out. He said he was a Christian, and from our conversation I was a little shocked because I didnt see it at all. I didnt see it coming, at all. Its been a while since any man has approached me, or had an inkling of interest in me. sometimes I wonder if theres anything wrong with me? But there isnt. Anyhow, I prayed about this, sat on my bed and opened up with The Lord about this. All day I soaked in prayer because Im GETTING old, I am not bound to make a dumb fleshy mistake over a man due to stupid emotions. I even disseminated the prayer request to a couple of people to cover me, because honestly I dont want to be led in the wrong direction anymore and being single and vulnerable is a no bueno!! Im waiting for a husband and marriage in my future, not ephemeral, superficial relationships. So I assessed him, I sure did. I became observant and noticed a few things, and I was praying while he was talking. I know this is harsh but I know for a fact hes in no ability to become the husband of my future and the father of my future children. N-O. I was direct with him about myself. Told him I am a woman of God and I am not the type of woman he assumes, and I am not up for a fling thing or kid type relationship. Im serious about life and Just because Im up front, from the states, and open doesnt mean Im open to anything that this society deems as permissive. Point blank. Then, I felt the atmosphere change, and his heart was just like what the, who am I talking to? Who is this woman!? The rest of the night went well, and it ended on a good note. But frankly so, even if he doesnt text me anymore, its ok. :) Im waiting for that best, the man who carries Christ and will woo me and sweep me off my feet with The Lord at the center of it all. :) itll come, for now Im frank with men, I dont want a fling thing: people its time to grow up. Im a woman, I may look young, but Im a woman and a woman of God at that: So ladies, hold your guard up, stand firm on Christ and dont take any fluffy words that men throw at you just to get something else out of you. Be secure in who you are in Christ.
Posted on: Sun, 13 Apr 2014 16:22:54 +0000

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