For the last few days Ive mulled over in my head what to say in - TopicsExpress


For the last few days Ive mulled over in my head what to say in regards to this heartache. After talking to a number of people I just wanted to post this... As someone who has been no stranger to the loss of friends due to suicide. This song explains so well, how Im sure this whole community feels. This beautiful girls song ended too soon Hannah Cline. I never knew this girl. But from all I have heard, all I have seen. She was loved more than she ever knew. But because I dont know her, I cant even begin to understand or comprehend what would drive anyone, including her to leave the stage in the middle of their song. I know that a lot of people will try to come up with their own explanations for it and look for someone, something to blame for this. But you cant. Because no one but Hannah will ever really know all that she dealt with behind the smile that we all hear so much about. Because of that realization and understanding we must all remember that there are too many people in our lives, hiding the true sadness in their hearts, faking a smile just trying to convince themselves more than us that its not as bad as it feels inside, and trying to reason with themselves every day to just wake up and take another breath. As someone else told me long ago. Be kind to others, no matter how you are feeling or what you are going through. You never know the battles that those around you are fighting within themselves, and where or when no one else can see them. The lessons we must learn from this are that you may not like someone, or what they do. But they are just as human as you are and feel the way you do. Everything you say to someone or about someone in a derogative and negative manner sticks with them even just a little bit, even the things you do that are not pleasant. Even if they stand back up, brush it off and keep going for a little longer, you can never know when they are ready to give up or when youve pushed them too far. So it is so important to speak and treat others in a manner you yourself would like to be treated. And also, that just because you know you love someone or admire them, it doesnt always mean that they know it too. So while they are here, in front of you, you need to tell them and prove it to them as often as you are able so that they never forget it, never question it again. My heart and my thoughts are with, and continue to be with Hannahs family, friends, peers, and all those affected by this loss. And as I have said to others before. If they need someone to talk to, outside of the circle, or someone to just listen. You are always welcome to send me a message, no matter if I know you or not. Rest easy, Hannah.
Posted on: Thu, 22 Jan 2015 00:03:22 +0000

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