For the last few weeks I have been alluding to how Israel has had - TopicsExpress


For the last few weeks I have been alluding to how Israel has had a history of breaking ceasefire agreements with the Palestinians. I compiled a list about three weeks ago detailing all of these instances since 1949. People who say Israel-Palestine is a complex situation are somewhat right. It is complex when you attempt to analyze it without producing the historical context in which everything is put into place. Like I said, I have compiled a full list of when Israel has broken ceasefires or truces with the Palestinians brokered by either the UN or Egypt. After going through it, people will understand that Israel has no credibility when it comes to ceasefires and the likely hood of a new one being struck and then broken by Israel is very high. So without further ado, here is my list. The primary source I used was from; its article was dated May 15, 2012 and the title was Self-defense or provocation: Israels History of breaking Ceasefires. 1. November 14, 2012-Two days after Palestinian factions in Gaza agree to a truce [with Israel], Israel assassinates the leader of Hamas military wing, Ahmed Jabari, threatening to escalate the violence after a week in which at least six Palestinian civilians are killed and dozens more wounded in Israeli attacks. 2. March 9, 2012-Israel violates an Egyptian-brokered ceasefire and assassinates the head of the Gaza-based Popular Resistance Committees, sparking another round of violence in which at least two dozen Palestinians are killed, including at least four civilians, and scores more wounded. As usual, Israel claims that it is actin in self-defense, against an imminent attack being planned by the PRC, while providing no evidence to substantiate the allegation. Following the assassination (Israeli journalist Zvi Barel). Just after two months prior, on the third anniversary of Operation Cast Lead, Israeli Army Chief of Staff Lt. Gen. Benny Gantz tells Israels Army Radio that Israel will need to attack Gaza again soon to restore its power of deterrence, and that the assault must be swift and painful, concluding, We will act when the conditions are right. 3. October 29, 2011-Israel breaks a truce that has maintained calm for two months, killing five Islamic Jihad members in Gaza, including a senior commander. The following day, Egypt brokers another truce that Israel proceeds to immediately violate, killing another four IJ members. In the violence, a total of nine Palestinians and one Israeli are killed. 4. November 2008- Israel violates a ceasefire with Hamas and other Gaza-based militant groups that has been in place since June [2008], launching rockets into southern Israel, which Israel shortly thereafter uses to justify Operation Cast Lead, its devastating military assault on Gaza beginning on December 27. Over the next three weeks, the Israeli military kills approximately 1400 Palestinians, most of them civilians, including more than 300 children. A UN Human Rights Council Fact Finding Mission led by South African jurist Richard Goldstone subsequently concludes that both Israel and Hamas committed war crimes and crimes against humanity during fighting, a judgement shared b organizations such as Amnesty International and Human Rights Watch. 5. July 23, 2002- Hours before a widely reported ceasefire declared by Hamas and other Palestinian groups is scheduled to come into effect, Israel bombs an apartment building in the middle of the night in the densely populated Gaza Strip in order to assassinate Hams leader Salah Shehada. Fourteen civilians, including nine children, are also killed in the attack, and 50 others are wounded, leading to a scuttling of the ceasefire and a continuation of violence. 6. January 14, 2002- Israel assassinates Raed Karmi, a militant leader in the Fatah party, following a ceasefire agreed to by all Palestinian militant groups the previous month, leading to its cancellation. Later in January, the first suicide bombing by the Fatah linked Al-Aqsa Martyrs Brigade takes place. 7. November 23, 2001-Israel assassinates senior Hamas militant, Mahmoud Abu Hanoud. At the time, Hamas was adhering to an agreement made with PLO head Yasser Arafat not to attack targets inside of Israel. Following the killing, respected Israeli military correspondent of the right-leaning Yediot Ahronot newspaper, Alex Fishman, writes in a front page story, We again find ourselves preparing with dread for a new mass terrorist attack with the Green Line...Whoever gave a green light to this act of liquidation knew full well that he is thereby shattering in one blow the gentlemans agreement between Hamas and the Palestinian Authority; under that agreement, Hamas was to avoid in the near future suicide bombings inside the Green Line... A week later, Hamas responds with bombings in Jerusalem and Haifa. 8. July 25, 2001- As Israeli and Palestinian Authority security officials meet to shore up a six-week-old ceasefire, Israel assassinates a senior Hamas member inn Nablus. Nine days later, Hamas responds with a suicide bombing in a Jerusalem pizzeria. 9. April 1988- Israel assassinates senior PLO leader Kalil al-Wazir in Tunisia, even as the Reagan Administration is trying to organize an international conference to broker peace between Israelis and Palestinians. The US State Department condemns the murder as an act of political assassination. In ensuing protests in the occupied territories, a further seven Palestinians are gunned down by Israeli forces. 10. 1982- Following Israels invasion of Lebanon in June [1982], and after PLO fighters depart Beirut under the terms of a US-brokered ceasefire, Israel violates the terms of the agreement and moves its armed forces in the Western part of the city, where the Palestinian refugee camps of Sabra and Shatila are located. Shortly thereafter, Israeli soldiers surround the camps and send in their local Christian Phalangist allies even though the long and bloody history between Palestinians and Phalangists in Lebanon is well known to the Israelis, and despite the fact that the Phalangists leader, Bashir Gemayel, has just been assassinated and Palestinians are rumored (incorrectly) to be responsible. Over the next three days, between 800 and 3500 Palestinian refugees, mostly women and children left behind by the PLO fighters, are butchered by the Phalangists as Israeli, soldiers look on. In the wake of the massacre, an Israeli commission of inquiry the Kahan Commission, deems that Israeli Defense Minister (and future Prime Minster) Ariel Sharon bears personal responsibility for the slaughter. 11. 1981-1982- Under Defense Minister Ariel Sharon, Israel repeatedly violates a nine-month-old UN brokered ceasefire with the PLO in Lebanon in an effort to provoke a response that will justify a large-scale invasion of the country that Sharon has been long planning. When PLO restraint fails to provide Sharon with an adequate pretext, he uses the attempted assassination of Israels ambassador to England to justify a massive invasion aimed a destroying the PLO-despite the fact that Israeli inelegance[Mossad] believe that the PLO has nothing to do with the assassination attempt. In the ensuing invasion more than 17,000 Lebanese are killed. 12. 1973- Following a ceasefire agreement arranged by the US and the Soviet Union to end the Yom Kippur War, Israel violates the agreement with a green light from US Secretary of State Henry Kissinger. According to declassified US documents, Kissinger tells the Israelis they can take a slightly longer time to adhere to the truce. As a result, Israel launches an attack and surrounds the Egyptian Third Army, causing a major diplomatic crisis between the US and Soviets that pushes the two superpowers to the brink of nuclear war, with the Soviets threatening to intervene to save their Egyptian allies and the US issuing a Defcon III nuclear alert. 13. 1967- Israel violates the 1949 Armistice Agreement, launching a surprise attack against Egypt and Syria. Despite claims Israel is actin in self-defense against an impending attack from Egypt, Israeli leaders are well aware that Egypt poses no serious threat. Yitzhak Rabin, Chief of the General Staff of the Israeli Army during the war, says in a 1968 interview that I do not believe that Nasser wanted war. The two divisions he sent into Sinai on May 14 would not have been enough to unleash an offensive against Israel. He knew it and we knew it. And former Prime Minister Menachem Begin later admits that Egyptian Army concentrations in the Sinai approaches did not prove that Nasser was really about to attack us. We must be honest with ourselves. We decided to attack him. 14. 1956- Colluding with Britain and France, Israel violates the 1949 Armistice Agreement by invading Egypt and occupying the Sinai Peninsula. Israel only agrees to withdraw following pressure from US President Dwight Eisenhower. 15. 1949- Immediately after the UN-brokered Armistice Agreement between Israel and its neighbors goes into full effect the armed forces of the newly-created Israeli state began violating the truce with encroachments into designated demilitarized zones and military attacks that claim numerous civilian casualties. Based on this data compiled by, it is not wise to simply conclude that Israel is going to uphold truce or ceasefire agreements. Except for in 1973 when they received a blessing from Henry Kissinger, Israel has instigated conflicts with its Arab neighbors. If anybody wonders why especially Syria is angry with Israel see 1967 and 1973, when Israel illegally seized the Golan Heights and has not returned the land to Syria, instead creating a dispute by claiming it for itself. In fact, the Zionist government has laid claim to the land from the Nile to the Euphrates. A pattern that we see is very little condemnation for Israels actions. Including breaking numerous UN brokered truces which is the international governing body. Israel has repeatedly done whatever they have pleased, including colluding with the British and the French to attack Egypt in 1956 breaking the Armistice Agreement, occupying the Sinai Peninsula and only leaving when Eisenhower pressures them to. Very little international action (if any), very little criticism from European governments, and no media coverage or misplaced media coverage has allowed Israel to continually antagonize their Arab neighbors and steal land from Palestine. This pattern shows no signs in stopping now that terrorism is the rage of today. In more modern times, Israel has entered into agreements with Hamas, broken them and and Hamas reaction, Hamas is blamed and as we are seeing right now, Palestine is collectively punished. Israel has started all of the conflicts; their leaders are never held to account and right before our eyes get to rewrite the story, starting it in the middle and playing the victim. Thanks to the alternative media which most of them are not pro-Zionist, there has been some push back to the trend, starting the story in the middle which does not shine the victim light on Israel, rather illustrating it the way it is: the instigator. Hopefully this list provides some context into Israels history of breaking ceasefires. Share this with your friends, pro-Israel apologists can no longer go on rambling escapades defending Israel without any substance to back up anything they say. The facts are right before them, Israel is not a puny, little state that can not defend itself. The 4th largest military and 6th largest nuclear arsenal in the world belongs to Tel Aviv. End foreign aid to Israel, cut all ties with the apartheid state.
Posted on: Thu, 24 Jul 2014 05:47:40 +0000

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