For the newbies: Wednesday is my weigh-in and I will be posting - TopicsExpress


For the newbies: Wednesday is my weigh-in and I will be posting that later on and asking for your weigh-ins (if you would like to share), but Wednesdays are also a day when I look at confidence and self-esteem - changing that negative mind to a positive one. Hope you enjoy this weeks blog: I was looking through some of my before pictures this weekend and comparing them to the new photos of me and obviously the first thing I notice is the change in my body, but something else I started to notice was my appearance…as in my hair, make-up, wardrobe, and just how I present myself – how I carried myself. And as I scanned through the before pictures, it became evidently clear how much I didn’t care about myself. Now let me begin by saying that how you do your hair, make-up, wardrobe, and what not is completely up to you…that by no means makes the person…but for me, my internal vision of myself was not being reflected in the external me. By that, I mean that I’m the type of woman who enjoys dressing up…I sometimes get teased for overdressing for work, but I don’t care – that’s what I want to wear…and I’m the type of woman who likes my hair to look nice and my face to look nice and my posture to resemble the confidence that I have in myself. I’ve always had this vision of myself, but when I look at my before pictures, I see a girl who looks defeated, who doesn’t care what she wears (as long as it fits) and who doesn’t care about her appearance and is slouched over (that was also in part because I had a massive chest to carry about, but I digress) --- she just looks sad. Do any of you feel that way when you look at old pictures of yourself or even current (if you haven’t started your journey)? Is the person you are presenting on the outside the REAL you? Or is that person a very poor representation of you? As I looked forward in my pictures (along my transformation), I noticed slight changes of me putting more effort into my appearance – a new outfit here…a different hair style there...a touch of eye make-up – and with the minor tweaks, I was making to my outside, it was like my internal self was breaking through. Almost like each tweak was a crack in the outer shell I had built up from years of neglect and my inner self was attacking those cracks and breaking them open to finally be free. Wouldn’t it be awesome to feel that way? To feel like your inner self is finally being properly reflected on your outer self? For me, my inner self started shining through more when I started loving myself more and believing in myself. Looking back, I really wish I had started making changes to my appearance from the beginning because looking good on the outside made me feel good on the inside which essentially pushed me forward on my journey and kept me motivated. So for those of you who don’t know where to start…why not look at yourself and ask yourself if you are presenting the true you to the world. Because maybe you’re not ready to start eating healthier or jumping on the treadmill…but maybe today’s the day that you take 5 extra minutes and put them into you rather than the kids or the house (trust me - I know its tough, but the more we take care of ourselves and love ourselves, the happier we will be which will positively impact our kids, partners, and everything in our lives. I’m not trying to push external beauty – I’m trying to boost your confidence, so that you can start this journey or continue on this journey. It worked for me - it may work for you. Love yourself inside and out…make sure the two reflect each other…and create your journey. Cheers to hump day!
Posted on: Wed, 04 Dec 2013 13:28:09 +0000

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