For the past few months we have waited to see if the Government - TopicsExpress


For the past few months we have waited to see if the Government actually listened to the community concern about their poorly conceived so called forest protest laws. Yesterday State Secretary Trevor Gauld attended a briefing with the Attorney General after the Government declared they had listened to the community concern and amended the draft legislation accordingly. Nothing could be further from the truth. We have watched Liberal Governments introduce laws all around this country under the guise of protecting people from some vague threat. For the first time, the Liberals actually had a genuine issue in the violent protests in Tasmanias forests and they even had a mandate after taking a clear policy (Rebuilding the Forest Industry - Cracking down on illegal protestors) to the election. Instead of using this opportunity to address a genuine need we are simply seeing this opportunity squandered, hundreds of thousands dollars wasted trying to rectify poorly drafted and rushed legislation and we still dont have a single measure in place to make Forestry workers any safer. This money would have been better spent on providing adequate resources to the police and to the safety regulator to actually enforce the laws that are already in place. The new amendments to the laws have nothing to do with protecting Forestry workers from violent protests and everything to do with silencing dissent against a Government which continues to introduce bad laws and even worse budgets which are hurting Tasmania. And still not a single job created since being elected, just announcements of hundreds of front line service cuts. We have gone from an ALP/Green Government that stopped listening to a Liberal Government that wont start listening. The passing of Gough Whitlam a few days ago is serving as a stark reminder that all political parties are devoid of visionary and inspiring leaders. Is it any wonder voters are becoming increasingly disengaged and angry at the new political elite.
Posted on: Thu, 23 Oct 2014 04:10:37 +0000

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