For the past few weeks I have been watching what I eat and paying - TopicsExpress


For the past few weeks I have been watching what I eat and paying attention to possible causes for my headaches and stomach aches, instead of taking medicine I have instead thought what could be the cause ... Well turns out I didnt drink anything all day but coffee ( I do this way to often) so instead of going for an asprin I drank lots of water the headache was gone within minutes! . My stomach felt weak this morning and I figured out it was because I drank half a gallon of almond milk, ate a whole bunch of peanuts and drank waaaaay too much coffee. Evidently that was a bad breakfast choice. :( I think if we all thought about why our bodies dont feel good instead of going straight for the medicine we would be MUCH healthier and in tune with our bodies! Wonder what it would be like if we were taught as children to be in sync with our bodies and know exactly what our bodies are rejecting and what our bodies really enjoy.. I know as a child when I got sick or didnt feel right itwas straight to the medicine cabinet that was always the answer. Its really kinda crazy for us to think that these different things we take do not do some damage to our bodies. Have you read some of the side effects to things like asprin...... possible internal bleeding, maybe vomit some blood, hearing problems??? Shit ill trade this headache for bloody shit and hearing loss any day.... said no one ever... we get so busy and never really have much time to think about the cause we just want to feel better right then so we can get back to doing what we were doing! When you start to feel bad for no apparent reason no flu no cold no virus its pretty much your bodies way of saying hey look here asshole, what your eating is really not sitting well with me If you took everything you ate through out the day and placed it into a big bowl would you be proud to show it to someone??? I know id probably throw up if I saw my bowl at the end of the day. It would be one of those WTF who did this to me moments. No one to blame but yourself. :(
Posted on: Fri, 31 Oct 2014 17:40:46 +0000

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