For the past four years, my family has been living out a dream - TopicsExpress


For the past four years, my family has been living out a dream that my wife and I have had for much our our seventeen year marriage. We have invested a great deal of sweat and effort in this dream. Our little homestead has been a place to raise more than goats, chickens, and vegetables. It is where we have raised a family. Our kids have enjoyed the freedom that only a truly rural setting can provide, and while they have enjoyed paddle boating in the pond, playing with baby goats, sitting out on a blanket looking at the stars on clear evenings, they have also learned how to milk goats, how to make cheese and butter, how to keep a garden, and the value of hard work. To me, it has been a refuge from the violence and suffering that I witness on the job. Today, as a result of the ongoing cuts to fire and police, we took the first steps towards buying a much smaller house in town in an effort to downsize so that I can spend the next three years focusing on getting into and completing nursing school. We will be moving to Covington and will be only a couple of blocks from our church and surrounded by a group of loving and supportive church members. I am truly thankful for that. God has never failed to provide for and protect my family, often in ways that truly surprised my wife and me, but change is hard and watching your wife and kids grieve the loss of a life that they have come to love is never easy. Anybody wanna buy a homestead? or a cow? or a goat?
Posted on: Tue, 05 Aug 2014 01:48:28 +0000

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