For the past several years I have came by a habit of not being - TopicsExpress


For the past several years I have came by a habit of not being able to sleep or hit the sack unless I read a couple pages of a book I have or an article online or manage to write me something on the endless notes that I have shared with you prior to this. I see it as a matter of self nurturing and trying bit by bit to excel your skills & abilities to the max by adding the least swift details of your daily rituals which can later become a part of your life style. Despite best intentions to the contrary, many of us make a lifetime habit of relegating our own needs to the bottom of our list of priorities. While it’s all too easy to justify our lack of self-nurturing as a duty or obligation to others, the problem is that over time it can result in emotional depletion, exhaustion and resentment. Taking time out to rest, relax and renew will not only increase your level of happiness and fulfillment, it will boost your confidence and strengthen your resilience. "" The most important relationship in your life, the one you’ll have (for better or worse) until the day you die, is the relationship you have with yourself "" The very notion of self nurturing often produces feelings of guilt and selfishness because we don’t understand there is a significant difference between self indulgence and self nurturing. By definition - Self-indulgence is the inability to resist the excessive indulgence of one’s own appetites and desires … think addictions to smoking, eating, shopping, bad relationships, etc. - Self-nurturing on the other hand fosters both the physical and psychological health requisite to our happiness and cultivates greater resilience in life. Self-nurturing is loving, respectful and prudent. A state of emotional depletion prevents us from handling crises as well as we could. Nurturing your inner self fosters confidence and resilience, which in turn enables you to come up with more creative solutions for life’s inevitable challenges and unexpected detours. You’re also far more likely to be compassionate toward those you need to help when you’re giving out of a sense of fullness rather than the sense you are squeezing out the last drop of energy. The most basic and precious tenet of self nurturing is to take time for yourself. Taking time off allows you to be more efficient when you return to the task at hand. Relaxation is not a treat, it is necessary for your physical and emotional health. And if you value your time and set limits on what you do for others, others will value your time and treat you with more respect. How many times do you feel frustrated because you are unable to find the time to do the things that are important to you? The specifics of a self-nurturing program will be different for each person – simple or elaborate, lengthy or brief, communal or solo – however all acts of self-nurture do have a few key traits in common: They are neither practical nor productive and they have no purpose but to give us pleasure. + Listen to some beautiful music, read a good book in your favorite genre. + Practice positive self talk or affirmations. + Start a personal journal. + Meet a good friend you haven’t seen for awhile for coffee or lunch. + Learn to play an instrument, take a class, sew, crochet, take up scrap-booking, + Take time to celebrate even small successes. + Go for a walk or run, cycle, or swim a few laps. + Exercise regularly. + Get a new hair style, color or make-over. + Try different herbal teas or try new healthy drinks. + Hug your child or ask your partner to hug you. + Treat yourself to an occasional afternoon nap or popcorn and movie matinee. + Spend time in nature – sit by the ocean, walk barefoot in the sand, watch the sunset, hike in the mountains. + Learn to meditate, pray, contemplate. + Take up a hobby like painting, drawing, photography or writing + Go to an art gallery, the ballet or opera, visit the zoo, play at the arcade, fly a kite. Nurturing your inner self does not have to be difficult or overly time-consuming, but it should become a priority because it will not only enrich your life, it will strengthen your resilience immeasurably in times of adversity. While it may not always seem like it, you are in charge of your life and the choices you make each day. Remember this … you will never “find” the time; you must choose to make the time. So, How did you nurture yourself today? If you did, Lemme know :) ;) ~ A Spoken word is A Moment. A Written Word is Eternal ~ Moe Ash
Posted on: Wed, 18 Sep 2013 23:09:51 +0000

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