For the record...My arguments are not political. I speak up for - TopicsExpress


For the record...My arguments are not political. I speak up for human rights which also overlap as civil rights. Civil rights are basically human rights that can be agreed upon and protected by society. I did not wake up on my 18th birthday and! I can vote now! I better pick a party! I like the name Democrat better. I will be a democrat. Now..lets see what they believe so I will know what I believe. I chose the democrats because their platform was more focused on human rights and issues right here at home. They typically wanted the resources of this country to stay in this country for the building up and benefit of the people. All of the people. So...I chose to be a Democrat because of my passion for human rights. I did not form those views because I am a Democrat. Also...I do not talk about race based issues because I am married to a black man. I do not speak against the killing of young black men because I have a dark complected son. You have it backwards. I lacked racial bias all my life..and one of the results of that...was the dating pool for me held no color lines and so marrying a man I loved who happened to e black was as natural for me as it would have been for me to marry a man I loved who happened to be white. And for the record...arguing against systematic institutionalized injustice is not an indicator that I hate whites and wish I was black. I have more friends than I can count, and the majority are white. Not because I prefer white friends, but we can only befriend people we meet and can socialize with and I meet fewer people of color than white I have more white friends. It is true that I have mixed race children, but I also have white children. So...the argument that I prefer one over the other is ludicrous. I am not disabled...but I fight for the rights of the disabled because there are basic human rights that should not be forfeit due to a disability. I am not on welfare..but fight for the rights to dignity for those who are forced by circumstance, to need that social assistance. I am not gay...but I believe that all civil rights are o be protected for all citizens and I was born in a generation that considered the bedroom affairs of a person to be private and personal. I am not an atheist..or a Muslim...or a Buddhist...I am a Christian. I am actually a very serious Christian. My faith is one of the most important components of my life. And yet...I base my views of those who practice other religions or no religion, on facts, not fear...or nationalism. I will stand up for their right to practice their faith openly and without persecution..because I cherish that right for myself. I can learn about their beliefs and respect them without compromising my own. I am an activist at heart...and I will always fight on the side of the group experiencing a lack of support by civil justice. So....when I post a are welcome and even encouraged to chime in and debate the issues. But lets stick to the issues and leave the politicians to deal with the politics. I will listen and consider your view...but if your view is contrary to documented proof..then I will argue against your view. No bias...just truth. What do I have to gain by this? Comfort in knowing that I used the only weapon I have to fight for human rights. My voice. My words. However small they are.
Posted on: Wed, 31 Dec 2014 19:43:49 +0000

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