For the record, just to make everyone clear on this, heres just a - TopicsExpress


For the record, just to make everyone clear on this, heres just a few reasons HBK is the greatest wrestler of all time. 1. Everyone seen the stunner coming. Chin music strikes at any given moment. 2. Degeneration-X with two men was better than nWo ever could be, even with there 150 members, imcluding Hulk Hogan, Macho Man, Razor Ramon, Diesel, Ted Dibiase and Mr. Perfect. 3. Google any Shawn Michaels parody. 4. When Bret Hart pissed on the American flag, HBK wiped his ass.with the Canadian flag. 5. Hell in the cell vs. The Undertaker 6. Mike Tysons count was still super fast. 7. Without HBK it would be the WCW universe. 8. Even while writing the show he let Undertaker, Steve Austin and Hulk Hogan beat him. Even though hes a hundred times better at wrestling than those legends. 9. Even The Rockers were tolerable. 10. Triple H is just a pretty boy Intercontinental champion wrestling Goldust without HBK putting him over. Not the guy doing the billionaire bosses daughter and 15 time world champ. If youre not down with that, I got two words for ya...
Posted on: Wed, 26 Feb 2014 09:48:25 +0000

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