For the small (but very vocal) minority saying my essay was too - TopicsExpress


For the small (but very vocal) minority saying my essay was too pro-Israel, here are all the things I said in the article about Israel: - I called the occupation illegal, unfair, and a human rights disaster. - I said Israeli forces have been negligent, reckless, and outright cruel - I said Israels flaws are massive in impact - I said many Israelis have the same tribal mentality as their Palestinian counterparts - I said Israeli forces tortured Palestinian children and used them as human shields - I said Israel is leading itself towards increasing international isolation and national suicide - I said settlement expansion is incomprehensible, no one understands the point of it, it has no justification, and makes it more difficult to see Israels motives as purely secular - That Israel will have to dispense with the occupation (quoting Hitchens) - That Israel cant govern other people against their will and continue to steal their land in the way that it does every day (quoting Hitchens) - That it is irresponsible for Israel to behave in this unconscionable way (quoting Hitchens) - I slammed Jewish scripture as the root of the conflict just like Islamic scripture is the root of jihadism - I linked to a graphic calling Judaism a cult just like Islam - I said that Israel could eventually end up as an apartheid state as John Kerry mentioned - I said you can be both pro-Israel and pro-Palestine if you oppose settlement expansion and the occupation as well as Hamas All of that is in the piece. See for yourself: If youre going to present any of the above as a counter-argument, no need. Ive made your argument already.
Posted on: Thu, 31 Jul 2014 15:27:44 +0000

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