For the social system engineering type friends: Capitalism, - TopicsExpress


For the social system engineering type friends: Capitalism, when it is truly free, is a bit of fun. The problem is this. Lets say you make a product for $10. You determine that you need to sell 100 of these per month in order to sustain yourself. So, you set out and make the 100 but find that you could only sell 50. But you NEED to sell 100, so you now have to find a way to convince people to buy something that they really dont need. You need to trick them into believing that they really DO need what you are selling. Your survival depends on you tricking those 50 people to buy your product so you will do whatever it is you need to do to survive. This is how even pure capitalism, while free, is still flawed. Not only that, but if you need to produce and sell 100 of these products, you will be taking the resources needed to make them even when the demand for the product is low because youve now learned how to trick people to buy things. This is one of the reasons why Capitalism is inefficient. It creates needs where there really werent needs in the first place. That video Kevin posted, while it sounds utopian, would actually be more efficient. People would still need to work but if things were managed efficiently, they wouldnt need to work for as long as they do today, AND there would be no need to create artificial need. Suppose someone told you that if you go to work picking oranges for four hours for four days and all of your needs will be met. Im not talking about socialism or communism here. Im talking about a system without a government. Only a management system that manages resources and allocates jobs and goods. So, since there isnt any need for you to work a number of hours to make your hourly wage add up, and the system is managed efficiently, you are only needed for four hours, four days a week. You go to work, on the way home you go through the market and choose from the food that others too have been busy producing which is free to you because you also produced food for them. Theres no money exchange. You just take the foods that you need for your family and thats it. Since there is no money, people who are unable to contribute for whatever reason will not starve or be homeless. The circle of life just becomes natural as those who can work do, and those who cant are taken care of and not through some government program since there are no governments. Just through the correct management of the production and labor systems. There are no hiring or firings. If you dont like your job or cant do it, just request a transfer to another one. No competition, little stress, but lots of efficiency and the more efficiently everything gets done, the shorter the work hours can be for everyone. Heres a video about basically the same concept. I usually get people telling me that this wouldnt work for one reason or another, but please do share your thoughts on the subject. https://youtube/watch?v=rvDKTRgoSS8
Posted on: Sun, 21 Dec 2014 22:47:37 +0000

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