“For the word of the LORD is right and true; he is faithful in - TopicsExpress


“For the word of the LORD is right and true; he is faithful in all he does. The LORD loves righteousness and justice; the earth is full of his unfailing love.” (Psalm 33:4,5) Dearest Family and Friends, We are so happy to report that the Lord made a way for us to return to our beloved PERU on May 28th! We arrived in Lima safely after a little over 6 hour flight from Atlanta. Our youngest daughter Esther Bragg Bardin and four grandkids saw us off at the airport after spending some important family time together. The Lord also made a way to celebrate our 40th wedding anniversary for five days and four nights in the Dominican Republic before we left for Peru. Thank you all for your prayers! We spoke in the Iglesia Casa de Libertad in Acworth, Georgia the Sunday before we left and we were sent off again to our “heart nation” of 34 years. We praise the Lord for giving us good health and a nice place to stay here in Chosica near our lovely Peruvian daughter-in-law´s family. Margarita has been in from the jungle helping us. Ronald should arrive tomorrow for Father´s Day. We have been attending the Union Church in Miraflores where we have been associate members since 1999. They have been helping us with several offerings towards the Asheninka Children´s Shelter Project “The Refuge of Glory” for which we are very grateful. We are reconnecting with our friends at the National Prayer Movement and the VIVA Network. We will be speaking at La Iglesia “El Santuario” on June 23rd. This week we hope to begin work on the second music CD with the voices of the children from the jungle. Please PRAY for provision of about $800 to launch this project. We ask your prayers for the $3,500-$5,000 still needed to cover all the expenses for this two month trip here. We are excited to be back and share the joy of seeing the “harvest of souls”(Psalm 126:4-6). We are continuously sharing the Gospel with all around us! On Thursday we were gone for nine hours. We had lunch with friends Roger & Rebecca Marquez who have trained with Youth With a Mission (YWAM) and work with the tribal peoples of Peru. We are excited about working together to train more strong Christian leaders among the tribes. We also enjoyed meeting with a good friend and well-known Congresswoman who has encouraged and helped us in our journey to help save the Asheninka children of Peru. We´re excited to announce the visit of our good friends and fellow KFI ministers Revs. Jay and Mary Newsom and their daughter Jessica of “Hope of the World Ministry” from Mesquite, Texas. Please PRAY for their travel safety and good health; abundant financial provision for the trip; and God´s blessing and anointing as Jay preaches and teaches God´s Word in the jungle river town of Atalaya and surrounding Ashaninka and Asheninka communities. Please see “Hope of the World Ministry”- Peru.doc (attachment) Rett has been feeling much better physically, but we ask for special prayers as he continues to rest and recover from his health condition. We are both excited to get back out to the jungle again. Please continue to PRAY for us to trust God to help us complete the projects He has given us to do; to have His wisdom and discernment in some very serious kingdom of God situations; and to know whether we should return to Peru to live again full-time or continue basing out of the U.S. and traveling down here 2-3 times per year. Your faithful prayers and generous financial support are greatly appreciated and needed at this time more than ever. We can be reached at our cell phone: 011-51-984906018. THANK YOU FOR REMEMBERING US DURING THESE BUSY SUMMER MONTHS! Our new e-mail address is: randsbragg73@gmail . We still use the rettbragg@hotmail but prefer the new one. We are on FACEBOOK at: Sherrill Ann Bragg God bless you! Your ambassadors and “sent ones” in Christ, Revs. Rett and Sherrill Bragg P.S.: You can donate to us online at: WorldOutreach.org/Donations and find our names on the Missionary Support List-Rett and Sherrill Bragg-PERU. Press Click and donate to us. You can also mail your tax-deductible gifts to: World Outreach Ministries, Inc., P.O. Box B, Marietta, GA 30061 and designate it for: Revs. Rett and Sherrill Bragg-PERU, #FC21 Thank you so much!
Posted on: Fri, 21 Jun 2013 00:27:26 +0000

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