For the youths to be the change and the leaders we have been - TopicsExpress


For the youths to be the change and the leaders we have been waiting for start mobilization to: Register for voting. Start democracy and good governance study circles (small discussion groups of 11 confidants) Raise and save funds for the campaign. Produce campaign material (pamphlets/website with the concise vision, mission and strategic plan) Appeal to parents and senior citizens to support and partner with their children’s’ cause. Turn up enmass on the polling day, vote, protect and count your vote. Youths constitute over 78% of Uganda’s population. About 21 % or over 6.5 million were of voting age by 2012, according to the Population Secretariat. It is estimated that this population will have grown to 7.7 million by 2015. In 2011, only 8.2 million Ugandans voted. Youths have all it takes 8 numbers, energy, skills and resources) and all at stake (political and economic freedom = a better future). In an Afrobarometer survey of 2011, NRM’s support had declined from 63 percent to 47 yet support for DP and UPC also went down while that of FDC increased from 13 to 15 percent. If you consider a margin of error of plus or minus two percent, FDC did not grow. Equally, in 2011, only 58 percent of registered voters voted. Museveni got 68 percent of the 58 percent, which was actually 38 percent of the registered voters. If we can encourage all the voters to turn up to vote and vote change. The Peaceful change we are longing for shall be a deal done. We shall have averted the looming bloodshed. Start saving little by little for their facilitation during the elections. Remind them that the Obama victory was facilitated mainly by poor youths and students who contributed $ 1, $5 . $ 10. Be aware that by being dependent on rich politicians to provide facilitation” makes them vulnerable to manipulation exploitation and being bribed (corrupted) by political merchants using the youths as tools to achieve personal gains. Its high time youths show they are capable of owning, promoting, managing and LEADING the agenda for delivering the change they have been waiting for. LEADERSHIP Wake Up “Leaders are not born, they are grown.” - Peter Drucker Leadership is anything but a simple undertaking. But with hard work, balance, collaboration, and a little bit of inspiration, any man can learn to become a leader. Throw your hat into the ring and step up to greet the challenge of leading a group to new heights. If not you, then who? Can You Learn to Be a Leader? There are two schools of thought in psychology about the ability to be a leader. One is the “Great Man Theory,” which is the theory that leaders are just born with the necessary characteristics and dispositions to succeed. However, the more accepted theory is the Environment Theory. This theory is on the nurture side of the nature vs. nurture debate. It basically argues that leaders are created out of a complex and systemic set of circumstances that give them the necessary tools to rise to the occasion. I believe that every man should subscribe to this theory. No man is made a master in one day. With enough time and deliberate practice any man can be made into a leader. The Process I would say that naturally, those who have to do less work to become leaders are somewhere between Drivers and Expressive. These styles are already used to stating their opinions and brining about specific outcomes. However, just as anyone who improves their abilities tends to move toward the Driver/Expressive side of the chart, learning leadership pushes you to take on the more extroverted traits of an effective leader. And here is a simplified process that will facilitate the development of leadership qualities: 1. Find a cause/organization you care about. A leader needs to be invested in the outcome of the group that he leads. So if you want to become an effective leader, find something that you can bring passion to. 2. Push past your comfort zone. A lot of leadership is just showing up and stepping up when no one else is willing to. If you find this idea uncomfortable, internalize the fact that everyone around you is feeling that exact fear. So why not you? 3. Learn to be decisive. If you find yourself often paralyzed by multiple options on the table, learn to go with your gut, and stop wasting time on excessive deliberation. 4. Improve your social skills. As a leader, you not only need to interact with the members of your group, but need to represent your group and cause to the general public. In order to do this, you social skills will need to be at their peak. That means learning empathy, being emotionally aware, and developing charisma. 5. Develop a vision. Where do you see your organization going? What audacious goals can you set for the near and distant future? Visualize where you want your group to go, and set out a goal to get there. 6. Get organized. An important part of leadership is setting clear goals for your group. Set out a clear structure for the expectations and parameters of your members. 7. Recognize your own limitations. If you’ve read my posts before, you know that I’m a big proponent of being vulnerable. No matter who you are, you must recognize that you’re not going to have all of the answers, and you will make mistakes. Don’t be afraid to rely on other people and be willing to learn from your shortcomings. 8. Keep tweaking. Your leadership style will evolve as you do. Keep reviewing your successes and failures on a regular basis and keep finding active ways to improve. Effective leadership therefore is more than building a skill. It is not just acquired from text books and schools; it is learned through experience, self reflection, mindset, knowledge and practice. Great leaders successfully harness their people’s engagement and creativity to continually evolve towards sustainable value creation and development. I am a planter and a grower, become one of the seeds I want to grow , nurture and Dear youths are you the great leaders of this generation? You have all it takes , just encourage yourself and create a group of 10 people to lead ( DEMOCRACY AND GOODGOVERNANCE STUDY CIRCLE). Then you are a great leader.
Posted on: Wed, 10 Dec 2014 13:38:23 +0000

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