For theres no possibility of repenting in Heaven. A fallacy it - TopicsExpress


For theres no possibility of repenting in Heaven. A fallacy it would be if one should say we can get forgiveness for our sins after we die. NO FORGIVENESS AFTER WE ARE DEAD. Truly, the words of the Lord in the time of the judgment would be: The Judgment is set... If you had accepted My request for you to come to Me, your end would have been to praise Me. For I take delight in the death of noone. Heaven was made for holy ones; therefore, My Word stand sure, you must be holy before you can enter My Kingdom. For those that get to My Kingdom are those that seek Me with all their heart. They overcame the enemy by the blood of the Lamb and by the words of their testimony. For the things of the world had no power over them. Therefore, you that lived a corrupt life, I dont know you; for all your days, You walked in the ways of your father, the Devil. Then the Lord will command his angels, Turn those that hearken not unto My Word into the Kingdom that forever burns with sulphur and brimstone. For they had My servants--- the prophets among them but they refused to hearken unto the words that came forth from their mouth. They refused to turn to Me to heal them----- they agreed that there was still time to repent and that I could wait for them for sometime, before I return. For the Kingdom of Hell is real. My Kingdom is real! If you walk in My footstep you will escape Hell. I never made it for the people of My image. I created it for the Devil and his angels, yes, the multitude of legions that turned against Me when they desired to be as My Father, in Power. No man can escape Hell if he has committed a wrong against Me. For if I sent the enemy into the pit, would I not send forth them that rebel against My holy name and strike My Spirit on the face? Repentance is possible on earth but not before the judgment seat or heaven or paradise. If My wrath is kindled against a remnant and they turn to Me, I will turn My anger away from them and heal their wound. For I will forever fulfil My promise and not deny My people. Yes, truly it is I that speaks to My servants and reveal My Word of Power to them. Yes, blessed are you if you believe the truth from My mouth that theres a literal Hell; but saved are you from the hold of Eternal Death if you escape from it. Believe not the lies that arise out of the mouth of your false prophets and false teachers------ for they tell you that theres purgatory when in the Creation I made Heaven and Earth. Or is it not written that once death comes judgment? Or have you forgotten that I have by My Spirit purged all? There is no purgatory! If you sin and refuse to come to My Throne of Grace for mercy, if you die, you will go to Hell. For if you say there is no Hell, of what purpose do I punish rebellious men? If the Kingdom of Hell doesnt exist, there would be no need to punish wicked men. Now, you must believe all you doubters that your sins are not forgiven if you dont come to My Throne of Grace. Those that confess and preach My Word and yet, refuse to acknowledge that Hell exists stand in greater condemnation. They had the Scripture and in it, the truth exist that Hell is real. Why are you so doubtful, O men of little faith? For you read the Word and believe it half-way; interpreting it wrongly and leading many astray, and you would convert them and again turn them into devils. And yet, you say, we come in the Name of the Lord. Truly I repeat to you that anyone that come in My Name and yet do evils does not come in My name but in his own name. And I will not accept his works because they are abominations to Me. Anyone that do that against My Will and Command, stand in condemnation on the judgment. Hell was created for the Devils and not for men. Wicked men are released to Hell not because I hate them ( for I never do ) but for the reason that they were conformed to the Image of the Devil----- therefore, they become his sons. My Image tells on anyone in the time of the judgment that they belong to Me. For My Kingdom is filled with those that are conformed into My Nature. For, in these last days, My angels will strengthen My saints to spread forth My Word into all the earth. And noone will testify that he didnt hear. My Spirit convicts of sin and testifies that theres a Hell and the reality of it. If My Spirit tells you of the reality of Hell, dont harden your hearts. Instead, give heed unto His Words. Even the Master of the Church is saying : I send you many prophets and apostles, and you will kill many and reap open their backs. And you will not hearken unto My Word or the Spirit of the Father. For; yes, even the inhabitants have turned their hearts against Me; destroying My prophets and My servants and corrupting the young hearts. Truly, they will have no excuse when they shall stand condemned before Me, the Judge of Mankind; for the very sand in their lands will testify that the feets of My servants were there to reveal truth to them. Or will anyone say he didnt hear the Voice of My Spirit calling within them that the Kingdom of Hell is real and that it is hot and created for devils? Truly, I tell you that even those who are against Me can testify of this. And truly when the Lord of the Harvest shall look to His precious bride, He will joyfully say to her : This is My beloved bride in whom the Fathers Spirit dwells. For I have given her pure white and now I will wipe her tears. Those that are My true bride have gone through thousand battles and My Spirit have cleared the way, giving My servants a Crown of Glory as their reward. For they loved not their lives unto death. Anyone that loves his life will lose it but he that hates his life will have it for My sake. Just as Eleazer, servant of Abraham led Rebekah to Isaac, so My Spirit was faithful in conducting My bride to Me. And this is the joy of the Father and the purpose of My death---- that where We are, Our brothers will also be. And this is the longing of the angels : For My angels have longed desired to live their days with men. They desired to talk with them as they talk with the Father, then We shall all be together in the Fathers Kingdom. And this is the desire of the saints who are in the Kingdom, waiting until the morning of resurrection : O Lord God, the Great King of Heaven, how long before our brethren are brought forth unto Your Kingdom? For we want to have our hearts with them and be established in you for all eternity. Truly, they are praising Him : All glory be unto the Lord of Host and unto His Lamb; His Son, who was slain for the redemption of His Creation( mankind ) and the forgiveness of sins of many, that they shall be drawn back to the Father, not by their works but His Love. O glory unto you who ruleth in Majesty and govern the affairs of the earth. For of your government is no end. Truly you are a God of Justice; for you have punished the wicked and rewarded each man according to his doings----either good or evil that the inhabitants of the earth may know of your glory, honour and splendour. All glory be unto the Holy One of His beloved Israel. And about the glory and nature of God, He is saying to all men: My Will O My Child is that you should reflect My awesome glory which the Father yearns that you should have. But you can attain to My glory when you cling steadfastly unto Me. you will reflect My glory when you truthfully carry your Cross and follow Me. You can experience true life in Me when you are united with My Spirit of Truth. Yes My glory comes with the Cross and you will enter the Kingdom if My Nature is present within you. My glory is revealed in My Nature. For My glory is not just a sparkling white light,it is revealed in My Nature. Truly, I tell you the world will see My glory and marvel. She will see it in My Church and she will turn to Me; those that refuse to have their hearts rooted in Me will be burning in hades. True glory radiates from Me. Unto My people I release My Cross for them to carry. When you hear My Voice, dont harden your hearts. For My Spirit will enable you to carry the Cross faithfully; now, you must yield your heart to Him. I am the Revelation of God; the Word of the Awesome Father and the Power of God. Now, you must know Me as Reality! Only when you see Me as these can you really have your heart at peace. My Word is true! Worship Me at each moment, dance before in the dance of the Lord Jehovah God. My Love I release unto you that you should love one another as I have loved you. Have My peace to the end. This is Gods word to you today. Hear his Voice. The time is short.
Posted on: Thu, 27 Nov 2014 14:12:27 +0000

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