For this Aloha Friday, Id like you to meet a special family: the B - TopicsExpress


For this Aloha Friday, Id like you to meet a special family: the B vitamins! This is a group of separate yet related nutrients that often work together to keep you healthy. This family is also known as the B-complex vitamins. All of the B vitamins are important for helping your body make energy and to release it when your body needs it. They are also necessary to make red blood cells, which carry oxygen throughout your body. So let me introduce you! Check to see how many you are familiar with and where to find them: - Vitamin B1 (thiamine): Found in whole-grain cereals, green leafy vegetables, legumes, sweet corn, brown rice, and nuts. - Vitamin B2 (riboflavin): Found in whole grain foods, eggs, peas, cheese, and milk. - Vitamin B3 (niacin): Sources include protein-rich foods like fish, milk, eggs, legumes, potatoes, and peanuts. - Vitamin B5 (pantothenic acid): Found in legumes and whole-grain cereals. - Vitamin B6: (pyridoxine): Found in brown rice, fish, wheat germ, whole-grain cereals, soybeans, among many others. - Vitamin B7 (biotin): Food sources include egg yolks, peanuts, mushrooms, cauliflower, and yeast. - Vitamin B9 (folic acid): Food rich in folic acid include yeast, green vegetables, whole-grain cereals, among many others. - Vitamin B12 (cyanocobalamin): Sources include egg yolks, poultry, milk, and meat. The B vitamins are water soluble, so your body doesnt store them. That means you need to eat foods rich in B vitamins every day to replenish your bodys supply. Have a great day, and dont forget to fill up your fuel tank!
Posted on: Fri, 07 Nov 2014 21:00:48 +0000

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