For this peoples HEART is WAXED GROSS, and their EARS are DULL of - TopicsExpress


For this peoples HEART is WAXED GROSS, and their EARS are DULL of HEARING, and their EYES they have CLOSED; lest at any time they should SEE with their EYES, and HEAR with their EARS, and should UNDERSTAND with their HEART, and should be CONVERTED, and I should HEAL them (Matthew 13:15)… It seems that no matter how much you IMPRESS upon Christians and the Body of Christ today that Jesus came to SEEK and to SAVE the LOST SINNER and that we who CLAIM to be SAVED ought to be out in the streets – the WORLD – WITNESSING and EVANGELIZING with the Gospel of Jesus Christ that offers them SALVATION, all we really want to DO is PLAY CHURCH, be ENTERTAINED with RELIGION, and PRETEND that we KNOW God. The Gospel message that Jesus brought us has become a DYING BREED within the very Church we CLAIM to be a part of. Hardly anybody’s preaching SANCTIFICATION, HOLINESS, FASTING, PRAYER, SCRIPTURE MEDITATION, or EVANGELISM. The Holy Spirit is often moving to and fro within the Church PROCLAIMING Jesus and Him crucified to our spirit, and for us to take this message to the world. But we IGNORE Him. Our LIPS say, “I love Jesus,” but our HEARTS aren’t doing MUCH of ANYTHING to CONFIRM this. Sunday after Sunday we EXODUS to the CHURCH BUILDING to HEAR God’s Word and SEE God OPERATE, but we don’t DO what His Word says nor WITNESS to OTHERS who are LOST what we’ve SEEN God do. Could it be that WE ourselves haven’t been truly Born-Again and CONVERTED, and NEED some DELIVERANCE ourselves to be HEALED? It’s a KNOWN FACT that the MAJORITY of CHURCHGOERS aren’t even SAVED!!! Which EXPLAINS why they DO NOT WITNESS or EVANGELIZE to SINNERS. They’re LOST themselves!!! And it’s POSSIBLE that YOU are one of them!!!
Posted on: Wed, 13 Nov 2013 03:37:03 +0000

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