For those concerned with the damage this plan will do to the - TopicsExpress


For those concerned with the damage this plan will do to the medical profession: Pg 127, lines 1-16 dictates doctors’ payment and therefore income which will reduce what doctors earn and lead to greater shortages of doctors and more rationing of care. Pg 150, lines 9-13 mandates that employers with an annual payroll between $251K & $400K who does not pay to enroll employees in public insurance option will pay a 2-6% tax on all payroll. Pg 241, line 6-8 mandates that all doctors receive the same pay, regardless of specialty. This will vastly reduce the number of specialists available in the United States, a common problem where medicine is socialized like Canada. PG 253, line 10-18 allows the federal government to set the value of doctor’s time, professional judgment. PG 265, Sec 1131 mandates and controls the productivity of all health care providers including surgeons! Page 280, Sec 1151 allows the government to penalize hospitals for what is deemed to be preventable readmissions. So instead of being sued for malpractice, the government will be the punitive body when mistakes are made. Pg 298, lines 9-11 mandates that if a doctor treats a patient during initial admission and that result in a re-admission, the doctor will be subject to federal penalties. Gee do you think that’s going to drive up the cost of malpractice? Pg 317, lines 13-20 will create prohibitions on ownership and investment in the health service industry for doctors. Pg 317-318, lines 21-25, and 1-3 will prohibit the expansion of all hospitals. pg 321, lines 2-13 allows hospitals apply for an exception to the expansion rule but they must seek community input first! Pg335, lines 16-25, Pg 336-339 mandates the establishment of outcome based health care and insidious idea that actually limits the treatment choices made by patients with their doctors, based upon the patient’s health and condition. This will result in the oldest, weakest and sickest patients being denied treatments simply because the statistics for success in their demographic category are poor! This is a form of health care rationing that will save money at the expense of seniors to help buy insurance for the uninsured, most of whom are young and healthy! Pg 341, lines 3-9 allows the government to disqualify Medicare Advantage Plans and HMO forcing people into the government run public plan.
Posted on: Wed, 02 Oct 2013 03:54:20 +0000

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