For those of you I care for that I have noticed are under a lot of - TopicsExpress


For those of you I care for that I have noticed are under a lot of stress.. I just want to say this. Observing your own problem with this helps a lot and I am compelled to share with whoever needs it. Whenever you feel an anxiety attack coming on, try to tell yourself.. You can stop worrying right now. Half the time, you don’t even know what you are worrying about. You feel something unidentifiable hanging over you, and you worry about a vagueness.. And if you didnt worry, you might worry about not worrying. What is worry all about anyway? Worry has been such a problem with all of us. You don’t know how to deal with its consultations and the anxiety it stirs within you. Be done with anxiety. What would you have to worry about then? Worry with a focus also preoccupies you, as if worry is a safety measure that will offer you dispensation from cause for worry, and so you worry without cause. You can always scrimmage around for a worry. Screw it. We have become experts at worrYing. We have become professional worriers. Be less practiced in the act of worry.Better yet, don’t worry at all. Worry holds you back. You abuse yourself with worry. Worry brings you more and more and better worries. You don’t need worry to pass the time. Get out of the worry mode. If cause for worry befalls, so be it. You don’t have to nourish it along. You are not alive for the sake of worrying. Worry is a diversion. Worry takes you away from living. It keeps you on the verge of danger and makes enjoying life in the now practically impossible. Worry itself is a dangerous habit. Worry is up to no good. It doesn’t let you sleep at night. Worry squeezes you tight. Be done with worry. No more being seduced into it. What is there that you cannot worry about? Endless are your worries if you allow. Let there be an end to worrying. Be done with it. Free yourself from your attachment to worry, and live life on another plane of existence. Worries are not real things. Worrying is counter productive. Worries do not help you at all. Worries crowd you. The only thing good about worry is when you recognize that it is needless. Then you are relieved. The absence of worry is comforting. Get rid of worry ahead of time. There is no advantage to worry. It is no help to you. You have been so afraid of worry that you have let worries barge into your peace and quiet. Substitute peace, creativity and love for worries, and watch your life soar.
Posted on: Sat, 13 Sep 2014 11:47:36 +0000

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