For those of you new to my page, you may wonder what has me so - TopicsExpress


For those of you new to my page, you may wonder what has me so upset and cranky that I would say some of the things I say below. Let me explain that it can be difficult with humans to find the words you need to find to break through ego blocks so that sometimes asking nicely is not effective. You must get down and dirty sometimes, that is conflict, that is the fight, even if it is only in words, you have to stretch to find those that can convey the strength of meaning or emotion you need them to convey. This can be a difficult task. What has me upset is that I am being forced by allies to relive trauma that I need a break from rather than being forced to relive it and this is a form of psychological torture being put on me by allies whom I would rather exalt as friends and heroes than admonish and berate but I must do the job I am here to do for Allah and that requires me to hold firm even against allies if they are going about things in a manner that violates other people. For neither I nor my allies are here with a mandate to violate others, but quite the opposite, with mandate to fight against those who violate others to put a stop to the violations. As a Muslim, I am supposed to trust Allah and to be patient, but I am also supposed to stand up for my rights and the rights of others. In finding a balance between these commands of Allah, I do not abandon either of them. I trust that Allah had this situation occur for a means of realization (epiphany or the moment of acceptance of a truth previously not realized) by my allies that they need to correct something because they did not take the other persons total well-being into account but did what was convenient for them against the rights of the other person in order to more quickly reach a mutual goal. The other person still believes a way could have been negotiated to work together to reach that goal within the same time frame rather than the other person being forced to participate in a scheme against his will. Allah offers instructions on such a situation in Quran: “If two parties of believers fight against each other, make peace between them. If one of them transgresses against the other after that, fight the party that transgresses until it submits to Allahs commands. When it complies, make peace between them with equity and act just. For truly, Allah loves the just.” 49:9 I had a fight with the other believers in this situation a few months prior to the new violation. This was never really resolved but I had decided to put it behind us anyway, so peace was achieved. I was offline and trying to work on the last chapter and then the epilogue of my book, The Illuminati Revealed, when this new violation was put upon me by the same group of allies. So I am fighting against them until they repent and atone of the violation as the laws of Allah command them to do. I do not have any way to fight them but with my words. I have no power in the situation and no resources at my disposal, which is not true of either my enemies or my allies behaving as enemies toward me with this violation. I will exalt my allies as heroes as soon as they correct themselves so this violation is no longer being put upon me. I very much look forward to doing so. I would love to do so. It would make me very very happy to do so. Insha Allah, I will be able to do so any moment now. Salams.
Posted on: Tue, 22 Oct 2013 01:13:24 +0000

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