For those of you not on the vots email list, spring league still - TopicsExpress


For those of you not on the vots email list, spring league still needs ladies! (from the league director): Help save the universe (well, universe point, anyhow). It seems that so far, we have only about enough women for Spring League to have 16 teams with 4 women each. And 4/team would be enough if 4 women showed up every game. But of course, some people (not me) have lives and sometimes cant show up to play. Which means that we really need some more women players just to have a 16-team league this Spring. So you can save the Universe by any of the following ways: 1) If youre a woman player who hasnt signed up, quit procrastinating and sign up now! The team draft is coming in about a week, we need to get you registered before then. OR 2) If youre anyone else on the planet (or on nearby planets even, Im not particular), help convince your moms, nieces, daughters, sisters and female (cousins, friends, casual acquaintances, spouses, lovers, ex-lovers, non-violent enemies, etc.) to sign up and join in the fun. Why should you, you may ask? - Disc makes the world better by making everyone happier. Or at least, it seems to... sure works for me. And being a typical human, I assume that everyone else, deep-down, would be happier if theyd just enjoy the things that I enjoy. - Think of all of the jobs were creating: shirt makers, athletic shoe manufacturers, Discraft company - and all of them are located on this planet! - If you recruit someone to play for the first time, they will never forget it. Ill bet virtually everyone at league can tell you who convinced them to give disc a try. (Thanks, KRB). And theyll appreciate you for it. - A bunch of guys who have signed up for league wont be disappointed when they get dropped out of league because we had to cut back on the number of teams. So act now, and SAVE THE SPRING LEAGUES UNIVERSE! - Dave
Posted on: Mon, 27 Jan 2014 03:20:14 +0000

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