For those of you that dont know what Crohns Disease is, it is an - TopicsExpress


For those of you that dont know what Crohns Disease is, it is an IBD (inflammatory bowel disease) or silent disease, because it affects the small intestines and causes them to be inflamed . This means change of diet completely, no skins on food, seeds or peanuts of any sort. Nothing spicy, and forget solid fruits or vegetables. Did I forget to mention even red meat can cause it to flare up. Anyways I have Crohns Disease and have had it since I was 17. It is a silent disease, because you fight it every second of every day on the inside of your body. Something nobody else can pysically see. Ive been in the hospital countless times, I couldnt tell you how many needles were jabbed in my arms, hands, and feet. Yes feet. The endless trips to the emergency room, and expensive medications required to keep me healthy. One of which was the pill form of chemotherapy. Once I was kicked of the medical card at 19 I was left without insurance or medication to help. Through a lot of soul searching and guidance and prayers from friends and family I no longer need medication. I was told today that my Crohns is finally in remission. After all the help, love, support, and prayers Ive recieved my prayers have finally came true. Does this mean I still have Crohns, yes, but will I let it define me NO! Thank you to everyone, including my mom, who has gone through this suffering right along side me, I cant possibly be more thankful! For mor information on Crohns Disease visit
Posted on: Sat, 04 Oct 2014 02:07:48 +0000

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