For those of you that like to think out-side the - TopicsExpress


For those of you that like to think out-side the box-----Anaxagoras---pre-Socratic philosopher that lived in 500 BCE to about 428 BCE----is the reason we have the type of Western Philosophy that we have today----as he is responsible for establishing the Athens School of philosophical thought----and perhaps without him there would not have been Socrates, or his critically important student, Plato, or, Platos vital student----Aristotle The Pre-Socratic philosophers (mostly originated in the eastern and western fringes of Ancient Greece---which included Asia -minor, Italy, Sicily were the first philosophers of the West that tried to explain Nature, or reality----through reason and logic----they were the first rationalist philosophers---Anaxagoras, Pythagorus, Thales, Leucippas, Democratus (the latter two, Carl Marx did his doctorial dissertation on, by the way, he considered these two Pre-socratics to be the first materialists----unless you have forgotten your philosophy-101-materialism, materialists believe that the entire universe---everything that there is to know in that universe----is physical---and that the physical world is all of reality-----all of modern Science is based on this premise or belief-----bunch of bullshit, huh, to deny the spiritual-----because it does not conform to materialism, or in science---to the scientic method!). The Pre-Socratics sought through the use of the minds thinking power to explain Nature, the universe, Mans nature and being and existence, meta physics, in other words, why there is something instead of nothing, and what are the essense of things and the world---again, they did not seek to explain these things through religion, or mysticism. So, class, these guys were very vital to how western thought evolved----and how thinking people today think (BTW, there might be about 1,000 in the America---who I classify as thinking people! Like·Comment·Share Lili Rad likes this. Douglas Gauld Dec 30, 2013 For those of you that like to think out-side the box-----Anaxagoras---pre-Socratic philosopher that lived in 500 BCE to about 428 BCE----is the reason we have the type of Western Philosophy that we have today----as he is responsible for establishing the Athens School of philosophical thought----and perhaps without him there would not have been Socrates, or his critically important student, Plato, or, Platos vital student----Aristotle The Pre-Socratic philosophers (mostly originated in the eastern and western fringes of Ancient Greece---which included Asia -minor, Italy, Sicily were the first philosophers of the West that tried to explain Nature, or reality----through reason and logic----they were the first rationalist philosophers---Anaxagoras, Pythagorus, Thales, Leucippas, Democratus (the latter two, Carl Marx did his doctorial dissertation on, by the way, he considered these two Pre-socratics to be the first materialists----unless you have forgotten your philosophy-101-materialism, materialists believe that the entire universe---everything that there is to know in that universe----is physical---and that the physical world is all of reality-----all of modern Science is based on this premise or belief-----bunch of bullshit, huh, to deny the spiritual-----because it does not conform to materialism, or in science---to the scientic method!). The Pre-Socratics sought through the use of the minds thinking power to explain Nature, the universe, Mans nature and being and existence, meta physics, in other words, why there is something instead of nothing, and what are the essense of things and the world---again, they did not seek to explain these things through religion, or mysticism. So, class, these guys were very vital to how western thought evolved----and how thinking people today think (BTW, there might be about 1,000 in the America---who I classify as thinking people! Like·Comment·Share Douglas Gauld Dec 30, 2013 For those of you that like to think out-side the box-----Anaxagoras---pre-Socratic philosopher that lived in 500 BCE to about 428 BCE----is the reason we have the type of Western Philosophy that we have today----as he is responsible for establishing the Athens School of philosophical thought----and perhaps without him there would not have been Socrates, or his critically important student, Plato, or, Platos vital student----Aristotle The Pre-Socratic philosophers (mostly originated in the eastern and western fringes of Ancient Greece---which included Asia -minor, Italy, Sicily were the first philosophers of the West that tried to explain Nature, or reality----through reason and logic----they were the first rationalist philosophers---Anaxagoras, Pythagorus, Thales, Leucippas, Democratus (the latter two, Carl Marx did his doctorial dissertation on, by the way, he considered these two Pre-socratics to be the first materialists----unless you have forgotten your philosophy-101-materialism, materialists believe that the entire universe---everything that there is to know in that universe----is physical---and that the physical world is all of reality-----all of modern Science is based on this premise or belief-----bunch of bullshit, huh, to deny the spiritual-----because it does not conform to materialism, or in science---to the scientic method!). The Pre-Socratics sought through the use of the minds thinking power to explain Nature, the universe, Mans nature and being and existence, meta physics, in other words, why there is something instead of nothing, and what are the essense of things and the world---again, they did not seek to explain these things through religion, or mysticism. So, class, these guys were very vital to how western thought evolved----and how thinking people today think (BTW, there might be about 1,000 in the America---who I classify as thinking people! Like·Comment·Share Douglas Gauld Dec 30, 2013 For those of you that like to think out-side the box-----Anaxagoras---pre-Socratic philosopher that lived in 500 BCE to about 428 BCE----is the reason we have the type of Western Philosophy that we have today----as he is responsible for establishing the Athens School of philosophical thought----and perhaps without him there would not have been Socrates, or his critically important student, Plato, or, Platos vital student----Aristotle The Pre-Socratic philosophers (mostly originated in the eastern and western fringes of Ancient Greece---which included Asia -minor, Italy, Sicily were the first philosophers of the West that tried to explain Nature, or reality----through reason and logic----they were the first rationalist philosophers---Anaxagoras, Pythagorus, Thales, Leucippas, Democratus (the latter two, Carl Marx did his doctorial dissertation on, by the way, he considered these two Pre-socratics to be the first materialists----unless you have forgotten your philosophy-101-materialism, materialists believe that the entire universe---everything that there is to know in that universe----is physical---and that the physical world is all of reality-----all of modern Science is based on this premise or belief-----bunch of bullshit, huh, to deny the spiritual-----because it does not conform to materialism, or in science---to the scientic method!). The Pre-Socratics sought through the use of the minds thinking power to explain Nature, the universe, Mans nature and being and existence, meta physics, in other words, why there is something instead of nothing, and what are the essense of things and the world---again, they did not seek to explain these things through religion, or mysticism. So, class, these guys were very vital to how western thought evolved----and how thinking people today think (BTW, there might be about 1,000 in the America---who I classify as thinking people! Like·Comment·Share Douglas Gauld Dec 30, 2013 For those of you that like to think out-side the box-----Anaxagoras---pre-Socratic philosopher that lived in 500 BCE to about 428 BCE----is the reason we have the type of Western Philosophy that we have today----as he is responsible for establishing the Athens School of philosophical thought----and perhaps without him there would not have been Socrates, or his critically important student, Plato, or, Platos vital student----Aristotle The Pre-Socratic philosophers (mostly originated in the eastern and western fringes of Ancient Greece---which included Asia -minor, Italy, Sicily were the first philosophers of the West that tried to explain Nature, or reality----through reason and logic----they were the first rationalist philosophers---Anaxagoras, Pythagorus, Thales, Leucippas, Democratus (the latter two, Carl Marx did his doctorial dissertation on, by the way, he considered these two Pre-socratics to be the first materialists----unless you have forgotten your philosophy-101-materialism, materialists believe that the entire universe---everything that there is to know in that universe----is physical---and that the physical world is all of reality-----all of modern Science is based on this premise or belief-----bunch of bullshit, huh, to deny the spiritual-----because it does not conform to materialism, or in science---to the scientic method!). The Pre-Socratics sought through the use of the minds thinking power to explain Nature, the universe, Mans nature and being and existence, meta physics, in other words, why there is something instead of nothing, and what are the essense of things and the world---again, they did not seek to explain these things through religion, or mysticism. So, class, these guys were very vital to how western thought evolved----and how thinking people today think (BTW, there might be about 1,000 in the America---who I classify as thinking people! Like·Comment·Share Like·Comment·Share Like·Comment·Share Douglas Gauld added 7 new photos. May 21 For those of you that like to think out-side the box-----Anaxagoras---pre-Socratic philosopher that lived in 500 BCE to about 428 BCE----is the reason we have the type of Western Philosophy that we have today----as he is responsible for establishing the Athens School of philosophical thought----and perhaps without him there would not have been Socrates, or his critically important student, Plato, or, Platos vital student----Aristotle The Pre-Socratic philosophers (mostly originated in the eastern and western fringes of Ancient Greece---which included Asia -minor, Italy, Sicily were the first philosophers of the West that tried to explain Nature, or reality----through reason and logic----they were the first rationalist philosophers---Anaxagoras, Pythagorus, Thales, Leucippas, Democratus (the latter two, Carl Marx did his doctorial dissertation on, by the way, he considered these two Pre-socratics to be the first materialists----unless you have forgotten your philosophy-101-materialism, materialists believe that the entire universe---everything that there is to know in that universe----is physical---and that the physical world is all of reality-----all of modern Science is based on this premise or belief-----bunch of bullshit, huh, to deny the spiritual-----because it does not conform to materialism, or in science---to the scientic method!). The Pre-Socratics sought through the use of the minds thinking power to explain Nature, the universe, Mans nature and being and existence, meta physics, in other words, why there is something instead of nothing, and what are the essense of things and the world---again, they did not seek to explain these things through religion, or mysticism. So, class, these guys were very vital to how western thought evolved----and how thinking people today think (BTW, there might be about 1,000 in the America---who I classify as thinking people! Like·Comment·Share Lili Rad likes this. Douglas Gauld Dec 30, 2013 For those of you that like to think out-side the box-----Anaxagoras---pre-Socratic philosopher that lived in 500 BCE to about 428 BCE----is the reason we have the type of Western Philosophy that we have today----as he is responsible for establishing the Athens School of philosophical thought----and perhaps without him there would not have been Socrates, or his critically important student, Plato, or, Platos vital student----Aristotle The Pre-Socratic philosophers (mostly originated in the eastern and western fringes of Ancient Greece---which included Asia -minor, Italy, Sicily were the first philosophers of the West that tried to explain Nature, or reality----through reason and logic----they were the first rationalist philosophers---Anaxagoras, Pythagorus, Thales, Leucippas, Democratus (the latter two, Carl Marx did his doctorial dissertation on, by the way, he considered these two Pre-socratics to be the first materialists----unless you have forgotten your philosophy-101-materialism, materialists believe that the entire universe---everything that there is to know in that universe----is physical---and that the physical world is all of reality-----all of modern Science is based on this premise or belief-----bunch of bullshit, huh, to deny the spiritual-----because it does not conform to materialism, or in science---to the scientic method!). The Pre-Socratics sought through the use of the minds thinking power to explain Nature, the universe, Mans nature and being and existence, meta physics, in other words, why there is something instead of nothing, and what are the essense of things and the world---again, they did not seek to explain these things through religion, or mysticism. So, class, these guys were very vital to how western thought evolved----and how thinking people today think (BTW, there might be about 1,000 in the America---who I classify as thinking people! Like·Comment·Share Douglas Gauld Dec 30, 2013 For those of you that like to think out-side the box-----Anaxagoras---pre-Socratic philosopher that lived in 500 BCE to about 428 BCE----is the reason we have the type of Western Philosophy that we have today----as he is responsible for establishing the Athens School of philosophical thought----and perhaps without him there would not have been Socrates, or his critically important student, Plato, or, Platos vital student----Aristotle The Pre-Socratic philosophers (mostly originated in the eastern and western fringes of Ancient Greece---which included Asia -minor, Italy, Sicily were the first philosophers of the West that tried to explain Nature, or reality----through reason and logic----they were the first rationalist philosophers---Anaxagoras, Pythagorus, Thales, Leucippas, Democratus (the latter two, Carl Marx did his doctorial dissertation on, by the way, he considered these two Pre-socratics to be the first materialists----unless you have forgotten your philosophy-101-materialism, materialists believe that the entire universe---everything that there is to know in that universe----is physical---and that the physical world is all of reality-----all of modern Science is based on this premise or belief-----bunch of bullshit, huh, to deny the spiritual-----because it does not conform to materialism, or in science---to the scientic method!). The Pre-Socratics sought through the use of the minds thinking power to explain Nature, the universe, Mans nature and being and existence, meta physics, in other words, why there is something instead of nothing, and what are the essense of things and the world---again, they did not seek to explain these things through religion, or mysticism. So, class, these guys were very vital to how western thought evolved----and how thinking people today think (BTW, there might be about 1,000 in the America---who I classify as thinking people! Like·Comment·Share Douglas Gauld Dec 30, 2013 For those of you that like to think out-side the box-----Anaxagoras---pre-Socratic philosopher that lived in 500 BCE to about 428 BCE----is the reason we have the type of Western Philosophy that we have today----as he is responsible for establishing the Athens School of philosophical thought----and perhaps without him there would not have been Socrates, or his critically important student, Plato, or, Platos vital student----Aristotle The Pre-Socratic philosophers (mostly originated in the eastern and western fringes of Ancient Greece---which included Asia -minor, Italy, Sicily were the first philosophers of the West that tried to explain Nature, or reality----through reason and logic----they were the first rationalist philosophers---Anaxagoras, Pythagorus, Thales, Leucippas, Democratus (the latter two, Carl Marx did his doctorial dissertation on, by the way, he considered these two Pre-socratics to be the first materialists----unless you have forgotten your philosophy-101-materialism, materialists believe that the entire universe---everything that there is to know in that universe----is physical---and that the physical world is all of reality-----all of modern Science is based on this premise or belief-----bunch of bullshit, huh, to deny the spiritual-----because it does not conform to materialism, or in science---to the scientic method!). The Pre-Socratics sought through the use of the minds thinking power to explain Nature, the universe, Mans nature and being and existence, meta physics, in other words, why there is something instead of nothing, and what are the essense of things and the world---again, they did not seek to explain these things through religion, or mysticism. So, class, these guys were very vital to how western thought evolved----and how thinking people today think (BTW, there might be about 1,000 in the America---who I classify as thinking people! Like·Comment·Share Douglas Gauld Dec 30, 2013 For those of you that like to think out-side the box-----Anaxagoras---pre-Socratic philosopher that lived in 500 BCE to about 428 BCE----is the reason we have the type of Western Philosophy that we have today----as he is responsible for establishing the Athens School of philosophical thought----and perhaps without him there would not have been Socrates, or his critically important student, Plato, or, Platos vital student----Aristotle The Pre-Socratic philosophers (mostly originated in the eastern and western fringes of Ancient Greece---which included Asia -minor, Italy, Sicily were the first philosophers of the West that tried to explain Nature, or reality----through reason and logic----they were the first rationalist philosophers---Anaxagoras, Pythagorus, Thales, Leucippas, Democratus (the latter two, Carl Marx did his doctorial dissertation on, by the way, he considered these two Pre-socratics to be the first materialists----unless you have forgotten your philosophy-101-materialism, materialists believe that the entire universe---everything that there is to know in that universe----is physical---and that the physical world is all of reality-----all of modern Science is based on this premise or belief-----bunch of bullshit, huh, to deny the spiritual-----because it does not conform to materialism, or in science---to the scientic method!). The Pre-Socratics sought through the use of the minds thinking power to explain Nature, the universe, Mans nature and being and existence, meta physics, in other words, why there is something instead of nothing, and what are the essense of things and the world---again, they did not seek to explain these things through religion, or mysticism. So, class, these guys were very vital to how western thought evolved----and how thinking people today think (BTW, there might be about 1,000 in the America---who I classify as thinking people! Like·Comment·Share Like·Comment·Share Like·Comment·Share Douglas Gauld added 7 new photos. May 21 · For those of you that like to think out-side the box-----Anaxagoras---pre-Socratic philosopher that lived in 500 BCE to about 428 BCE----is the reason we have the type of Western Philosophy that we have today----as he is responsible for establishing the Athens School of philosophical thought----and perhaps without him there would not have been Socrates, or his critically important student, Plato, or, Platos vital student----Aristotle The Pre-Socratic philosophers (mostly originated in the eastern and western fringes of Ancient Greece---which included Asia -minor, Italy, Sicily were the first philosophers of the West that tried to explain Nature, or reality----through reason and logic----they were the first rationalist philosophers---Anaxagoras, Pythagorus, Thales, Leucippas, Democratus (the latter two, Carl Marx did his doctorial dissertation on, by the way, he considered these two Pre-socratics to be the first materialists----unless you have forgotten your philosophy-101-materialism, materialists believe that the entire universe---everything that there is to know in that universe----is physical---and that the physical world is all of reality-----all of modern Science is based on this premise or belief-----bunch of bullshit, huh, to deny the spiritual-----because it does not conform to materialism, or in science---to the scientic method!). The Pre-Socratics sought through the use of the minds thinking power to explain Nature, the universe, Mans nature and being and existence, meta physics, in other words, why there is something instead of nothing, and what are the essense of things and the world---again, they did not seek to explain these things through religion, or mysticism. So, class, these guys were very vital to how western thought evolved----and how thinking people today think (BTW, there might be about 1,000 in the America---who I classify as thinking people! Like·Comment·Share Lili Rad likes this. Douglas Gauld Dec 30, 2013 For those of you that like to think out-side the box-----Anaxagoras---pre-Socratic philosopher that lived in 500 BCE to about 428 BCE----is the reason we have the type of Western Philosophy that we have today----as he is responsible for establishing the Athens School of philosophical thought----and perhaps without him there would not have been Socrates, or his critically important student, Plato, or, Platos vital student----Aristotle The Pre-Socratic philosophers (mostly originated in the eastern and western fringes of Ancient Greece---which included Asia -minor, Italy, Sicily were the first philosophers of the West that tried to explain Nature, or reality----through reason and logic----they were the first rationalist philosophers---Anaxagoras, Pythagorus, Thales, Leucippas, Democratus (the latter two, Carl Marx did his doctorial dissertation on, by the way, he considered these two Pre-socratics to be the first materialists----unless you have forgotten your philosophy-101-materialism, materialists believe that the entire universe---everything that there is to know in that universe----is physical---and that the physical world is all of reality-----all of modern Science is based on this premise or belief-----bunch of bullshit, huh, to deny the spiritual-----because it does not conform to materialism, or in science---to the scientic method!). The Pre-Socratics sought through the use of the minds thinking power to explain Nature, the universe, Mans nature and being and existence, meta physics, in other words, why there is something instead of nothing, and what are the essense of things and the world---again, they did not seek to explain these things through religion, or mysticism. So, class, these guys were very vital to how western thought evolved----and how thinking people today think (BTW, there might be about 1,000 in the America---who I classify as thinking people! Like·Comment·Share Douglas Gauld Dec 30, 2013 For those of you that like to think out-side the box-----Anaxagoras---pre-Socratic philosopher that lived in 500 BCE to about 428 BCE----is the reason we have the type of Western Philosophy that we have today----as he is responsible for establishing the Athens School of philosophical thought----and perhaps without him there would not have been Socrates, or his critically important student, Plato, or, Platos vital student----Aristotle The Pre-Socratic philosophers (mostly originated in the eastern and western fringes of Ancient Greece---which included Asia -minor, Italy, Sicily were the first philosophers of the West that tried to explain Nature, or reality----through reason and logic----they were the first rationalist philosophers---Anaxagoras, Pythagorus, Thales, Leucippas, Democratus (the latter two, Carl Marx did his doctorial dissertation on, by the way, he considered these two Pre-socratics to be the first materialists----unless you have forgotten your philosophy-101-materialism, materialists believe that the entire universe---everything that there is to know in that universe----is physical---and that the physical world is all of reality-----all of modern Science is based on this premise or belief-----bunch of bullshit, huh, to deny the spiritual-----because it does not conform to materialism, or in science---to the scientic method!). The Pre-Socratics sought through the use of the minds thinking power to explain Nature, the universe, Mans nature and being and existence, meta physics, in other words, why there is something instead of nothing, and what are the essense of things and the world---again, they did not seek to explain these things through religion, or mysticism. So, class, these guys were very vital to how western thought evolved----and how thinking people today think (BTW, there might be about 1,000 in the America---who I classify as thinking people! Like·Comment·Share Douglas Gauld Dec 30, 2013 For those of you that like to think out-side the box-----Anaxagoras---pre-Socratic philosopher that lived in 500 BCE to about 428 BCE----is the reason we have the type of Western Philosophy that we have today----as he is responsible for establishing the Athens School of philosophical thought----and perhaps without him there would not have been Socrates, or his critically important student, Plato, or, Platos vital student----Aristotle The Pre-Socratic philosophers (mostly originated in the eastern and western fringes of Ancient Greece---which included Asia -minor, Italy, Sicily were the first philosophers of the West that tried to explain Nature, or reality----through reason and logic----they were the first rationalist philosophers---Anaxagoras, Pythagorus, Thales, Leucippas, Democratus (the latter two, Carl Marx did his doctorial dissertation on, by the way, he considered these two Pre-socratics to be the first materialists----unless you have forgotten your philosophy-101-materialism, materialists believe that the entire universe---everything that there is to know in that universe----is physical---and that the physical world is all of reality-----all of modern Science is based on this premise or belief-----bunch of bullshit, huh, to deny the spiritual-----because it does not conform to materialism, or in science---to the scientic method!). The Pre-Socratics sought through the use of the minds thinking power to explain Nature, the universe, Mans nature and being and existence, meta physics, in other words, why there is something instead of nothing, and what are the essense of things and the world---again, they did not seek to explain these things through religion, or mysticism. So, class, these guys were very vital to how western thought evolved----and how thinking people today think (BTW, there might be about 1,000 in the America---who I classify as thinking people! Like·Comment·Share Douglas Gauld Dec 30, 2013 For those of you that like to think out-side the box-----Anaxagoras---pre-Socratic philosopher that lived in 500 BCE to about 428 BCE----is the reason we have the type of Western Philosophy that we have today----as he is responsible for establishing the Athens School of philosophical thought----and perhaps without him there would not have been Socrates, or his critically important student, Plato, or, Platos vital student----Aristotle The Pre-Socratic philosophers (mostly originated in the eastern and western fringes of Ancient Greece---which included Asia -minor, Italy, Sicily were the first philosophers of the West that tried to explain Nature, or reality----through reason and logic----they were the first rationalist philosophers---Anaxagoras, Pythagorus, Thales, Leucippas, Democratus (the latter two, Carl Marx did his doctorial dissertation on, by the way, he considered these two Pre-socratics to be the first materialists----unless you have forgotten your philosophy-101-materialism, materialists believe that the entire universe---everything that there is to know in that universe----is physical---and that the physical world is all of reality-----all of modern Science is based on this premise or belief-----bunch of bullshit, huh, to deny the spiritual-----because it does not conform to materialism, or in science---to the scientic method!). The Pre-Socratics sought through the use of the minds thinking power to explain Nature, the universe, Mans nature and being and existence, meta physics, in other words, why there is something instead of nothing, and what are the essense of things and the world---again, they did not seek to explain these things through religion, or mysticism. So, class, these guys were very vital to how western thought evolved----and how thinking people today think (BTW, there might be about 1,000 in the America---who I classify as thinking people! Like·Comment·Share Like·Comment·Share Like·Comment·Share
Posted on: Wed, 09 Jul 2014 22:52:35 +0000

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