For those of you who did not get a chance to read Patricia Dave - TopicsExpress


For those of you who did not get a chance to read Patricia Dave and Khamaj Dave MD s post yesterday, we are reposting it for them since they deleted the post: Dear Neighbors and Members of Our Community, November 11, 2014 By now many of you may be aware of Riley, a long-haired Chihuahua. We have unfortunately been maligned by the people who lost this little dog some months ago and to date we have silently turned the other cheek, attributing their behavior to profound grief over the loss of their beloved dog Riley. Unfortunately they are acting towards us, in our opinion, in an irrational, illogical, reckless and manipulative manner. We were hoping that they would eventually come to terms with the truth - the death of their dog Riley - which we shared with them months ago and which was also shared with them by the Camarillo Police Department and Ventura County Sheriff’s Department. But they have not. The information Riley’s owners have provided to some of you about our involvement in this story are half-truths, omissions, and fabrications. We don’t understand their motivation for maligning us. They are demonstrating inappropriate and unwarranted negative behavior towards us, which, in our opinion, is becoming crazy and creepy. These are the facts and our perspectives of this situation that has gone on too long and is out of control: 1) Some months ago, one of our gardeners found a dog harness on our property and placed it in a planter bed. We have many workers on our property, some of whom bring their dogs, and thought maybe the harness belonged to one of them. Innocently, we left it there without concern, assuming one of our workers would claim it or pick it up. We then forgot about it. 2) Weeks later, we received a mailer describing a missing dog and a description of the missing dog’s harness. 3) Thinking that the harness found might belong to this missing dog, we immediately called the phone number on the mailer and spoke to the owners. We were happy to do this, thinking the two might be connected and that we could potentially help them with their missing dog. They verified that the harness belonged to their dog. At the time, they claimed that other people called them and asked them if the missing dog was a scam because of the large reward. We told them that we did not want any reward and were simply trying to help. They sounded very hopeful that their dog could still be alive; however, we were more pragmatic, knowing that there are wild hawks, coyotes, owls, snakes, raccoons and other predators in Camarillo in general, and specifically on our rural property. We empathized with them, but let them know that since it had been several weeks since Riley went missing, it was unlikely that he would survive this setting. However, in a further effort to help them find Riley, we offered that we have video surveillance and would look into it – we clarified with them the exact date he went missing. We subsequently spent considerable time and effort to review video surveillance footage from our security cameras, and found that the day after Riley escaped/went missing, he was attacked and taken away by a coyote at approximately 4am on our property . This footage has also been reviewed by Ventura County Sherriff’s Department/ Camarillo Police. 4) We called Riley’s owners and told them this, and let them know that this video was very sad and traumatic for us to view and would be for them as well, and that we were very sorry for their loss and hoped this information would give them some closure. We tried to be compassionate and reiterated that we did this out of the goodness of our hearts and simply to help them know what happened to their dog. They sounded skeptical of what we were telling them, and brought up the high amount of the reward (reiterating that they had increased it to $10,000 as if we still had the dog). We explained to them that we did not want the reward and again, were just trying to help them. Strangely and suddenly, their mood changed from initially being thankful and receptive of our help to extreme verbal aggression on the phone, doubting our story, sounding upset and accusatory and questioning us for answers we did not have. They refused to believe that their 10 pound little dog could have been taken by a coyote or was dead. They then insisted on coming to our home to further investigate and set up traps on our property for their dog. We reiterated that their dog was dead. They then began question us about how the harness could have come off their dog, was it snapped or not snapped, was it mauled or torn, did it have blood on it, etc. We answered what we could but this started to turn into a vicious interrogation with inflammatory undertones, and we didn’t, nor still don’t, have all the answers. We don’t know how the harness came off the dog, or why there appeared to be no visible blood on the black harness - but coyotes are pretty smart and the harness was found near where the little dog was attacked. Further, the harness was lying in the planter for a couple of weeks and was exposed to sprinklers, chemicals and weather. We don’t know anything more than what we told them. 5) Because of their confrontational behavior and verbal aggression towards us (possibly because of not accepting what we told them about Riley), and telling us that they had previously and were recording our conversations (without our consent) looking for inconsistencies in our information, we felt uncomfortable and, not knowing them, felt they might be dangerous. They asked if we would return the harness to them. We said of course and offered to send it to them if they would tell us where to send it. They declined our offer and instead wanted to send someone to our house to get it. They declined to give us any further information about them or their address. 6) Because of their aggressive, accusatory and bizarre behavior towards our efforts to help them, and their questioning our motives, we felt it was futile to help and interact with them further and told them so. And that going forward, any further questioning and interaction should be through the Police. 7) We therefore turned the harness and this matter over to the Police. We also decided that due to their aggression and harassment of us, in order to maintain our privacy and security, we would not show them the video directly and that they would need to get further information directly from the Police. 8) The Police have investigated this matter, have come to our home, and have reviewed the video. 9) The Police have called them several times to tell them that they have seen the video with a coyote grabbing their small dog and taking him away, and that their dog was dead and there was no evidence of suspicious behavior and no mystery or crime as they claim. And that the case is closed. However, the Police were more than willing to meet with them because of their concerns. 10) Although these out of state owners of Riley have been back several times to Camarillo and to our street since, to date they have not been willing to meet with the Police face to face, despite the Police’s request. We do not understand why they would not be willing to meet with the Police. This is very suspicious. They have made disparaging remarks about the Police and are unwilling to believe the Police. These people mistakenly believe and have implied that we and the Police are in collusion about the disappearance of their dog. They also mistakenly believe and have implied that we have influence or power to affect the Police and this investigation. This, in our opinion, is nonsensical and paranoid thinking, and is not true. 11) Since then, based on our phone number which we gave them when we first contacted them, Riley’s owners have looked up personal information about us, released it publicly, harassed us by parking in front of our home and watching us, and, in our opinion, stalking and harassing us by going to place of work/ job several times, tracking down location of our family members, going to multiple family members’ homes and streets in other cities, and publishing our names and home address with disparaging remarks by providing half-truths, omissions and fabrications and in the process, trying to defame our character, reputation and integrity. 12) We were hoping that what, in our opinion and those of expert/professionals we have consulted, was just irrational and erratic behavior due to loss and grieving, would eventually dissipate. 13) However, they continue to create hysteria and frenzy around this situation and continue to get volunteers (who don’t know the truth / the whole story) to stake out our street and to help them search for a dog that is no longer alive. And contrary to their message, there is no conspiracy or mystery surrounding this story. The Police have told us they have communicated the facts to Riley’s owners. 14) Riley’s owners believe and have implied that we either have the dog or had the dog and then gave or sold the dog to friends, family, or others, or that one of our workers has taken him. This is completely untrue and ridiculous. We do not have their dog, have never had their dog, nor do any of our relatives or friends or any of our workers or anyone else we know. Riley was killed and taken by a coyote and is dead. The only “crime” is that Riley escaped from his owners and unfortunately wandered onto our property in the middle of the night and was horrifically and sadly attacked and killed by a coyote. We do not know anything more than what we are stating here. Their harassment of us , character assassination, and fabrication of the facts is completely unwarranted and unacceptable. Sadly, many people who don’t know all the facts, are believing what they are being told by the owners of Riley and consequently speaking badly of us / making hateful and derogatory statements about us, without knowing us. And the farce is being perpetuated. 15) The communications and actions of Riley’s owners are also attracting criminal elements to our streets and communities, as some of the flyers on our street have, according to the Police, been put up by third parties/ bounty hunters unrelated or known to Riley’s owners – these third parties are looking to make a money on this dog by hook or by crook, even when the dog no longer exists. Especially when they are enticed by a reward of such a large sum. 16) To date we have not retaliated in any way against Riley’s owners, despite their negative behavior toward us. We are well aware that we could get a restraining order against them and file a lawsuit against them for defamation of character and invasion of privacy, and attempting to harm our reputation. Despite advice from attorneys, the Police and security experts, we have, to date, not acted against Riley’s owners, as we were hoping eventually, better sense would prevail over them, once they had some time to grieve and deal with their loss. We understand the loss of a beloved dog / family member and the related grief, and thus have been extremely tolerant and patient with these people to date. We are law abiding, peaceful people who started off wanting to help Riley’s owners, but their incomprehensible actions are driving us to our wits end and we may be forced to take legal action if this continues. 17) To date, their irrational, negative behavior towards us continues. 18) This is the thanks we get as a reward for trying to help them with getting to the bottom of what happened to their dog. To date, as far as we know, we may be the only people who have actually provided them with something tangible related to their dog – the return of his harness. The facts, as we know them, confirm that their dog is dead. We don’t have any answers on other people’s potential dog sightings, forensics on the harness that they claim, and other inconsistencies that they claim. We don’t have answers beyond what we have shared here – this is everything we know with regards to this dead dog. 19) Although we acted as good Samaritans and tried to do the right thing by contacting Riley’s owners and trying to help them, the whole experience with these people clearly and sadly demonstrates that, in this case: NO GOOD DEED GOES UNPUNISHED 20) Their continued offensive behavior towards us / communications against us has been extremely distressing and scary, with bullying undertones. We just don’t understand. 21) We ask you, our neighbors and community, to consider the above and the commotion that Riley’s owners have brought to our community with their irrational behavior. We encourage you to not support and perpetuate their delusions and to report suspicious behavior / activity on our streets to the Police so we can all lead peaceful lives in this great neighborhood / community of Camarillo and Ventura County. Additionally, if any of you have any influence with these people, please try to talk some sense into them. 22) Although Riley’s owners don’t believe us or the Police, there is nothing more we can do to convince them otherwise. And although we cannot stop them from putting up flyers or searching the world for a dog that is dead, we do have the right to not have our privacy invaded, not be harassed or stalked and have peace on our street and in our community. Please don’t blame and malign people who know the truth from taking down flyers about a dog that is dead. They believe putting up these flyers on a dead dog is nonsensical and futile and is attracting unwanted / criminal elements and this behavior understandably upsets people who know the truth. 23) We are not writing this note to garner public sympathy, although we do think that Riley’s owners are trying to create a modern day witch hunt against us. We are simply writing this to provide you with and inform you of the facts and truth regarding Riley versus the one sided skewed emotional view that has been shared by his owners to date. 24) Finally, we commend and admire all of you volunteers who have gone out on a limb and spent considerable time trying to help find Riley – we believe you did so, as we did, with only the best of intentions. Unfortunately you were persuaded that there was more to this story than a small dog who escaped and was killed by a coyote. That’s the whole story. We are not signing our names for privacy and security reasons. However, those of you who know about this story know who we are. And those of you who know us personally know that the accusations against us by Riley’s owners are ludicrous, completely incomprehensible and unfounded. Sincerely, Your Neighbors
Posted on: Thu, 13 Nov 2014 04:36:36 +0000

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