For those of you who do not know what is going on, this status is - TopicsExpress


For those of you who do not know what is going on, this status is about my son and a serious motorcycle accident he was in last night. I have made this post Public so that if you want to share, you can. I am tagging my son in this post so that it will be seen by his friends on his own Facebook page. Here goes: Dennis was involved in a serious motorcycle accident late last night. Here are the details of the accident: He went for a ride out by the beach. He was coming back home, passed an ambulance and not long after that a vehicle pulled out in front of him. He tried to stop, locked up the brakes and t-boned the mini van. Dennis went up through the window of the sliding door on the passenger side of the van head first. He ended up in the seat (yes, I said IN the seat) behind the driver. The ambulance that he had passed was there just seconds after it happened. They told him that they knew he had been thrown somewhere and they could not find him, then they looked and saw him SITTING in the seat of the van. The driver started arguing with him and kept telling him that Dennis was at fault. Police have found the driver of the van at fault. Dennis told me this morning that he was freaking out because he saw car seats in the van and was so afraid that the accident had possibly hurt or killed a baby/small child. Good news is...the only person in the vehicle was the driver. Dennis was taken to the Trauma Unit at Bayfront Hospital by ambulance. He called his friend and I to tell us what had happened and where he was going. His friends arrived only to be told by staff that he was not there. I called the hospital twice to be told the same thing. The second time I was finally able to find out that they give an ALIAS name to trauma patients (mostly to assist them in the expedited paperwork process for testing and such). I understand now why they do it, but it was very frustrating at the time. Injuries: He has sustained a lot of injuries, but the good news is there are no broken bones, no internal injuries that have shown up on CT scans, and the injuries are not life-threatening. He had a gash the size of his palm on his right side, gashes all up and down his right arm, pain in the shoulder, pain in this hands, his left elbow and pretty much the whole right arm. He had glass embedded all over. He was taken into surgery early this morning to remove the glass and other foreign objects and close up the wounds. He has quite a few staples all over. They have him hooked up to all kinds of wires (his words), and will not let him get up. He will be in the hospital for at least three to four days while they monitor him for the injuries and any sign of infection. Please keep him in your prayers as he begins to heal. I have chosen to stay here at home. Do I want to? Absolutely not! But, at this point, he is going to be okay. The nurses that I have talked to have assured me that he will be okay. He is very adamant that I not come, so I am going to abide by his wishes and stay home. If something changes, you bet that I will be on the next flight out that I can get. I have some praises through all of this and would like to share: 1. He had his helmet on. He went head first into the window. If he would not have had it on, he would not have been the one calling me from the ambulance. 2. The response time of the ambulance. They were able to get to the scene right after it happened and get treatment started soon. They also helped intervene with the belligerent driver who was blaming my son for the accident when it was his fault. 3. He has really great friends who were right there. They spent over three hours in the ER waiting room waiting for them to finally let them back to see him after telling him over and over that he was not there. Some of them are already back up there this morning and others are going later today. 4. I have great friends and family! I put a request out there almost right after it happened. I received over 103 notifications of people commenting and liking the status and they still continue to keep coming in. You all do not know how much that warms my heart to know that so many of you care! Thank you all so much for your thoughts and prayers, your offers to help, and just being there. It is very much appreciated!
Posted on: Sat, 19 Jul 2014 17:58:14 +0000

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