For those of you who dont know, I graduate drug court today... its - TopicsExpress


For those of you who dont know, I graduate drug court today... its been a long time coming, and it was far easier than I really thought it would be starting out... its at 6pm on the top floor here: https://google/maps/place/Mercy+Breast+Center+-+Chub+OReilly+Cancer+Center/@37.176783,-93.271572,3a,90y,288.21h,85.27t/data=!3m4!1e1!3m2!1sNjP4n8DYQqur9wB9HdS2QA!2e0!4m5!1m2!2m1!1scancer+center+spfd+mo!3m1!1s0x0:0x76028a9722256bca!6m1!1e1
Posted on: Thu, 14 Aug 2014 20:45:11 +0000

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