For those of you who know me, I am an avid participant in Twitter - TopicsExpress


For those of you who know me, I am an avid participant in Twitter (@cynth_mahons). Ive found it to be an amazing way to connect with people in my network and also to develop new relationships. Ive even connected with people in my profession on Twitter and then weve gone on to catch up in real life. I find it invaluable for learning new things from people who inspire me and who are great at what they do. I can keep my finger on the pulse of current issues in my industry and see who is saying what. I also make sure I follow people who I dont necessarily like (and who at times infuriate me) but I think its important to hear views that are very different to my own - sometimes it can be easy to live in a bubble. I can also follow news from events that I cant attend in person by following the event hashtag. I can add to conversations and put my point of view across and attempt to influence the conversation. I can show thought leadership by sharing articles I write or commentary from events Im at. I can thank and recognise other people for the contribution they make. I love connecting with people, knowing what is going on in the world and sharing it with others, and finding a way to have a say - Twitter has been a fabulous tool to enable me to do this, particularly as a person who now has an office at home, clients all across Australia and connections from around the world. Interestingly in many workshops I run when I talk about networking and using social media, I find that there are a lot of people in all generations who havent yet given Twitter a go. There are many reasons including a lack of confidence or that the organisation they work for doesnt encourage it. However the main one is that they dont understand how it can add value to what they do and be a vital professional tool to connect them with the world and their profession (or community or industry or hobby or cause or passion etc). So why not give it a go? And if you ever need some tips Id be happy to help you get on board. My lesson for newbies is that you dont have to tweet to be on twitter, you can just follow others and hear what they are saying. Id also like to encourage you to give it a go first and then make an informed decision about if it is a good tool for you. How have you found Twitter? Whats your experience been? Happy tweeting! afr/p/technology/twitter_tips_for_corporate_engagement_KtmAojwu7ngVB4qe2TebgO
Posted on: Thu, 23 Oct 2014 02:28:20 +0000

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