For those of you who might be interested, Ive been compiling a - TopicsExpress


For those of you who might be interested, Ive been compiling a list of where I get the information I post as well as the petitions I sign. I didnt ask to be put on these mailing lists, but thats what happens when you sign petitions. Anyway, Im going to start with the groups and then Im going to list the members of congress, governors, and candidates. GROUPS Act Blue African Wildlife Foundation Alliance For Retired Americans American Conservative Union Americans For Responsible Solutions Audubon Society Campaign for America’s Future Care2Causes Causes Certified Humane Animal Care CPAC (Conservative Political Action Conference) Conservative Caucus Constitution In Crisis Daily Kos Defenders of Wildlife Democracy For America Democratic Governors Association Democratic National Committee Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee Earthjustice Endangered Earth Environmental Action The Free Press Food & Water Watch Forecast the Facts Green Shadow Cabinet Human Rights Campaign International Fund for Animal Welfare International Labor Rights Forum League of Conservation Voters The National Magazine National Parks Conservation Association Natural Resources Defense Council Newsmax Oil & Energy Investor Organic Bytes Organizing For Action PEW Charitable Trusts Progressive Change Campaign Committee Progressives United PAC Response Action Network Roots Action Team Sierra Club Social Security works Tea Party Patriots Townhall Daily Trust for Public Lands Wildlife Conservation Society World Wildlife Federation Working Families Union of Concerned Scientists US Action Vote Vets. org And now heres the politicians: Pete Aguilar candidate (D-CA) Staci Appel candidate (D-IO) Cory Booker us senator (D-NJ) Barbara Boxer us senator (D-CA) Sherrod Brown us senator (D-OH) Joaquin Castro us congressman (D-TX) Chris Coons us senator (D-DE) Peter DeFazio us congressman (D-OR) Tammy Duckworth us congresswoman (D-IL) Keith Ellison, us congressman (D-MN) Elizabeth Etsy us congresswoman (D-CT) Al Franken, us senator (D-MN) Kirsten Gillibrand us senator (D-NY) David Givens ky senator (R-KY) Allison Lundergan-Grimes candidate (D-KY) Bret Guthrie us congressman (R-KY) Kay Hagan, us senator (D-NC) Bill Halter governor (D-AK) Tom Harkin us senator (D-IA) Heidi Heitkamp us senator (D-ND) Troy Jackson us senator (D-MA) Pete King us congressman (R-NY) Amy Klobuchar us senator (D-MN) Annie Kuster us congresswoman (D-NH) Patrick Leahy us senator (D-VT) Terry McAuliffe governor (D-VA) Mitch McConnell us senator (R-KY) Bob Menendez us senator (D-NJ) Jeff Merkley us senator (D-OR) Chris Murphy us senator (D-CT) Patty Murray us senator (D-WA) Rand Paul, us senator (R-KY) Nancy Pelosi us congresswoman (D-CA) Matt Rosendale us senator (R-MT) Dr. Raul Ruiz us congressman (D-CA) Bernie Sanders, us senator (I-VT) Brad Schneider us congressman (D-IL) Jeanne Shaheen, us senator (D-NH) Kyrsten Sinema us congresswoman (D-AZ) Louise Slaughter us congresswoman (D-NY) John Tierney us congressman (D-ME) Mark Warner us senator (D-VA) Elizabeth Warren us senator (D-MA) Ed Whitfield us congressman (R-KY) Mark Udall, us senator (D-CO) Tom Udall us senator (D-NM) And the list is still growing.
Posted on: Mon, 10 Mar 2014 00:35:46 +0000

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