For those of you who might be wondering what started me on this - TopicsExpress


For those of you who might be wondering what started me on this war path against feminism, it was the research for this paper. I just found it in my files, when I was done with the research and the paper, I spent the next 13 hours exploring and researching how feminism has robbed me and every man in western civilization of his rights and freedoms. Article Rebuttal Abstract This is a rebuttal argument based on the domestic violence article that unfairly portrays men as aggressors and women as victims. The article chosen for review is the online article “recognizing the International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women” (Tracey Russo2011). This article addresses problem of domestic violence in America and the damage it does to the family. Reliability The information used in this article has been gathered from law enforcement and public court records. For this reason alone the public feels it is totally reliable, however the one factor that most of people fail to take into consideration is the point of view of the people and agencies that gathered the data. The people collected this information have a biased point of view because of the type of organization they work for, The Violence against Women Act. The very name of this organization tells people they have a vested interest in presenting just enough information to lead politicians and the public to believe that all men are the aggressors in all domestic violence cases. The Violence against Women Act passed into law with full bi-partisan support. This new set of laws gave law enforcement more power and tougher penalties for violators. The VAWA also has a wide range of programs available to female victims of domestic violence. What the article does not mention is the laws are only meant to treat women like victims and punish all men without proving that they are guilty of any form of domestic violence. Credibility The author of this article uses horror stories of women and young girls being disfigured, maimed, tortured, and having to endure hardships like having to walk miles to school under the threat of terror and rape. All of these things are true in some parts of the world; however, the VAWA is using these horror stories to expedite the passing of gender biased laws that discriminate solely on the basis of gender. The author of this article only wants the public to see domestic violence as a problem that can only be solved by punishing the male gender. Validity Although this article makes a valid point about the need to end domestic violence in America, it was not necessary to incorporate factors and events from around the world to try to make this point. In doing so the author does succeed in vilifying men and portraying them as the sole perpetrators of domestic violence, but they leave out the fact women are responsible for about half of the incidents of domestic violence in America. The author also leaves out the fact these programs do not address the problems that male victims of domestic violence suffer. “The “education programs” funded by VAWA are typified by the following advice dispensed by a NJ Judge to other family court judges: “Your job is not to become concerned about all the constitutional protections of the man that you’re violating as you grant a restraining order. Throw him out on the street, give him the clothes on his back, and tell him, ‘see ya’ around. (Eric Ross 2012 )”. This is the prevailing attitude of the judicial system and law enforcement. Deprive men of their constitutional rights, punish and enslave men for the benefit of women, not very equal when you take a good look at it. In conclusion it is necessary to put an end to domestic violence but, it is not necessary to punish only men to accomplish this goal. References Ross, E. (March 05, 2012). National Coalition for Men. Retrieved from Russo, T. (November 25, 2011). Department of Justice. Retrieved from
Posted on: Fri, 27 Sep 2013 06:10:50 +0000

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