For those of you who shrug off the Geo-Engineering aka Chemtrails - TopicsExpress


For those of you who shrug off the Geo-Engineering aka Chemtrails overhead watch this and research some of the speakers, officials and consultants such as Mark McCandlish, as well as geo-engineering official documents. If you think they are contrails or condensation trails you need to do a little bit of homework on dissipation of condensation from jet aircraft exhaust vs aerosolized metal and other contaminants being dispersed into the atmosphere over your heads. While this is a long recording of a hearing, testimony by both citizens and officials is compelling. I personally have seen and recorded activity of this nature in the Baltimore/Washington D.C. metropolitan areas as has an anonymous friend who has shared recordings with me as well. Some of these recordings show commercial aircraft with contrails flying beside or between aircraft dispersing aerosolized materials and the difference is so profound that only someone completely blind could not see. Sofia Smallstorm has gathered evidence directly from official sources documenting concentrations of metals such as aluminum in unprotected surface soils which are thousands of percent greater than those in protected surface soils, such as those in sealed crawl spaces that are not excavated below grade, beneath structures with concrete footers and wood or concrete piers where the only excavation was for the pouring of footers and the penetration into the ground of underground utilities such as water and sewer and in some cases electricity and telecommunications cables. The protected soils were NOT scraped of the top layer; the metals in extraordinarily high concentration in unprotected surface soils have been accumulating for decades. Other studies indicate possible biologicals such a self replicating engineered human red blood cells (human red blood cells do not self replicate; they are produced by the bone marrow in response to a hormone called erythropoetin produced when monitoring systems in the body determine oxygen, carbon dioxide and pH values of the blood indicate lack of sufficient red blood cells or erythrocytes. These seemingly artificial red blood cells have been found in the blood streams of some studied individuals and spectrometric analysis of this blood is vastly different than the reference spectrographs of normal human blood. You can deny these phenomena all you like but materials other than natural precipitation ARE falling from the sky and those who deny it are either ill informed (since official publications have been discussing and describing these phenomena at least since the 1960s) or deluded, perhaps intentionaly so as not to be labeled crazy or a conspiracy theorist. Sadly, the longer you deny, the worse it gets for ALL OF MANKIND. Do you want to realize only too late that the silence or denial will be part of the demise of life? If so, continue to deny and remain silent. Then ask yourself what differentiates you from a German citizen in the thrall of Adolph Hitler? The difference is this is not targeting a particluar group or groups but ALL life on this planet, whether by intent or a consequence of some other operation that has been buried in the annals of the bureaucracy that looms over us. As has been said by Plato, Sir Edmund Burke and countless others, the only thing necessary for evil to prevail is that good men do nothing. Are you one of those good men? Do you want to see your grand parents, parents, siblings, children, grand children and great grand children poisoned in this manner? If so, deny and remain silent. Together we are a force to be reckoned with and divided we are powerless.
Posted on: Thu, 02 Oct 2014 06:42:51 +0000

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