For those of you who think Climate Change might be fake, please - TopicsExpress


For those of you who think Climate Change might be fake, please stop being delusional. I am a Kiribati Islander. My mothers side of my family are all Kiribati Islanders and our homeland is the first being affected by global warming and pollution. Within my lifetime, it is expected that my ancestral land will no longer exist and will be underwater because of global warming. The affects have already taken place and it is already evident and proven. Its not something happening in the future, its happening now. Just because people in the US arent affected, doesnt mean that others arent. Not only is my homeland sinking because of global warming, but trash is a big issue. There is a giant floating mass of garbage surrounding my homeland. It is the size of Texas and is it made up of all the trash and litter people throw out. Plastic bags, wrappers and other bits of trash. There is so much of it that it is affecting the sea life. There is hardly any fish or other sea creatures in the area now. They are dying because of the garbage. You can find dead sealife and when you search inside of them, you find they are full of trash and died from that trash. So many animals are dying and those that havent are all migrating away. It means that the Kiribati Islands and other islands around it are now surrounded by garbage and the people are starving. Islanders live off the sea, eating seafood. With all the trash, there is no seafood left to eat. So because of garbage from places like America making its way to the islands and because of global warming caused by pollution from places like America, my people are suffering and dying and my home is sinking into the sea, soon to be the next lost Atlantis. Please, make a change. If everyone started truly going green and demanding that companies do the same. If people stopped littering and recycled more, then things like this wouldnt happen. Conservatives like to pretend like these arent real issues... but if they lived in the islands, they wouldnt be saying. Out of sight, out of mind is not how we should be living, because pretty soon, it will affect us here in the states as well just like it is affecting my people in the islands.
Posted on: Sun, 28 Sep 2014 23:16:30 +0000

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