For those of you who think I am some rank partisan, I honestly - TopicsExpress


For those of you who think I am some rank partisan, I honestly cannot stand hearing people who thoughtlessly criticize the Clinton presidency. He and a Republican Congress balanced the budget (produced a surplus); enacted welfare reform; and cut government spending. I did not vote for Clinton the first term but did the second as he did enough to convince me that he actually was fiscally conservative and smart enough to know he had to work with Congress after getting his tail whipped in his first midterm elections. I also did not vote for Bush , as I do not believe you should have your finger on the nuclear trigger, unless you can say the word nu-cle-ar. He seemed badly out of his depth, intellectually. Although I believe him to be a fundamentally decent man, to this day, I do not believe he was equipped to be the President. The invasion of Iraq was ill conceived, and driven by Rumsfeld/ Cheney and all of the neocons. Having said that, at least radical Islamists were scared to death and Hamas was largely caged. The debt exploded under his watch and he did not stand for fiscal conservatism. The point is, I am not some party hard liner, but I have never felt such visceral dislike for an administration as I do for the current one. Obama is the single most corrupt President in our lifetime. He has presided over an administration that has had more serious scandals than any administration in memory. The most scary to me is the IRS scandal- nothing less than the use of the most powerful bureaucracy under the authority of the President to chill political free speech. When discovered, there was a clear, brazen attempt to destroy all evidence. Yet the media still spends more time talking about bridgegate and Chris Christie. Obama is corrupt and has been a disaster domestically. He has presided over the most anemic economy since the Great Depression. There are more people dependent on government than ever before. He has poured billions into economic stimulus packages, largely to no avail. However, it is clear that a number of his political cronies have profited greatly from these boondoggles. Obamacare- fiasco. Enough said. Our border is a sieve. The administration has done next to nothing to enforce immigration laws. The cost from the latest influx to a country whose economy is already faltering appears astronomical. On top of that, the opportunities presented for terrorists to enter our great country unfettered is frightening. Internationally, he has miscalculated just about every crisis that he has dealt with. Further, many of these crises have arisen due to the simple fact that his administration has no foreign policy agenda- they stand for nothing, are perceived as weak, and have routinely made hollow threats and promises. The result of this is that America has been emasculated on the international stage. Our enemies are emboldened and our allies feel abandoned. Putin invades the Ukraine with impunity. ISIS is in the process of forming a radical Islamic caliphate in the Middle East. Hamas and the Palestinians continue to attack our only true ally in the Middle East. Meanwhile, Israel is left to fight alone, with scant lip service for support. Yes - these are perilous times . The Obama administration has weakened this country both domestically and internationally. We are weaker domestically when we do not secure our borders and ring up trillion dollar deficits. The world is a scarier and more dangerous place when America does not stand for something, stand up to aggression, and support its allies. God save us and our country- this administration certainly wont.
Posted on: Fri, 18 Jul 2014 17:46:46 +0000

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