For those of you who think the church will not be here for the - TopicsExpress


For those of you who think the church will not be here for the great tribulation, our tribulations( which we are going through now) , are our wilderness. We go through the wilderness just like israel, but spiritually, their wilderness was a natural picture ( old test- a shadow of things to come- and not the very image) , of something spiritually to come in the new testament ( the spiritual), . This wilderness is ordained by God for the woman ( virgin church) , the bible says in the song of solomon 8:5, that she will come up from the wilderness, leaning upon her beloved. Her beloved , upon whom she leans, is described by the shulamite in these words, I charge you, o ye daughters of jerusalem, by thy roes, and by the hinds of the field, that ye stir not up, nor awake my love, until he please. Who is this that cometh out of the wilderness like pillars of smoke, perfumed with myrrh and frankincense, with all powders of the merchant ( song of solomon 3:5-6).( TILL HE PLEASE)- and what is his pleasure now? To bring forth a company out of the wilderness! Ah, how we ll we know about the wilderness, with its dry, barren areas, or with its tangled under brush which hems us in from all sides; or with its wild and unknown expanses filled with wild beast and terrifying sounds. THE PURPOSE FOR THIS IS FOUND in deut. 8:2,5-6, AND THOU SHALT REMEMBER ALL THE WAY WHICH THE LORD THE GOD LED THEE..IN THE WILDERNESS , TO HUMBLE THEE, TO PROVE THEE, TO KNOW WHAT WAS IN THINE HEART, WETHER THOU WOULDEST KEEP HIS COMMANDMENTS , OR NO. THOU SHALT ALSO CONSIDER IN THINE HEART , THAT, AS A MAN CHASTENETH HIS SON, SO THE LORD THY GOD CHASTENETH THEE,:THEREFORE THOU SHALL KEEP THE COMMANDMENTS OF THE LORD TH5 GOD, TO WALK IN HIS WAYS, AND TO FEAR HIM. And I will bring you into the wilderness of the people, and there will I plead with you face to face ...And I will cause you to pass under the rod, and I will bring you into the bond of the covenant; and I will purge out from among you the rebels ( or the rebellious)... ( ezek 20:35,37-38). We even read that Jesus was led by the spirit into the wilderness, and dwelt there 40 days and nights, tested and tried; but we also read that JESUS returned IN POWER OF THE SPIRIT.... luke 4:14). He truly came up out of the wilderness like pillars of smoke , perfumed with myrrh and frank7ncense, with all powders of the merchant!
Posted on: Thu, 30 Jan 2014 17:51:21 +0000

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