For those of you who were sick and tired of my pictures and - TopicsExpress


For those of you who were sick and tired of my pictures and anecdotes of Winston, be warned. Its going to get worse. Now it not just one moggy but two! Winston Ginger, is a moggy we adopted 2 months ago. He was found near a factory. His mother was probably feral, leaving her litter when the kittens were about 6-7 weeks old. It makes him about 3 months and half old. Winston doesnt like being picked up. However, he still likes to be near his human companions and get very agitated when people leave the house. He will only start eating his food when his human companions are back. Now, here is Molly. We also got her from a shelter. She is presumed to be about 3-4 months old. Although she is a bit smaller and weigh less at 1.6 kilogrammes(Winston is 2.1), her claws and teeth are more developed. She is very sweet and she was sticking her paws out meowing at the shelter as if she was asking me to take her home. She had a neck collar on, which means that she used to have a human owner. Perhaps thats why she loves to be patted. She would purr when picked up. Its very unlikely that she got lost, since indoor kittens seldom wander afar and the city she was found is a built-up area with no detached housing but with only flats. She was probably an indoor cat, but thrown away by a family member who couldnt stand her or maybe they moved to a place where they could no longer keep her. On the first day, we kept Molly confined to a room, not to give sense that Winstons territory has been intruded. Next day, we let her out, hoping that they will meet naturally. Winston couldnt stand Molly and started hissing whereas Molly didnt care. Winston would hit her in the head with his left paw(he is a southpaw) softly, only to invoke Mollys anger. Molly would jump on him and bit Winstons throat or belly, making him run but come back and repeat the whole process. Im surprised that Winston wont bite since he bites me very hard. This morning when I woke up, I felt a cat snuggling and thought it was Winston but it wasnt. Molly was sleeping in my bed, which used be shared by me and Winston. This morning, they are doing this again. I wonder if they will eventually accept that they have to live together. But while they are at it, no cat is biting my hand or ankle. In terms of in-house feline politics, my wife and I are sympathetic towards Winston Ginger. My son, as usual, couldnt care less about cats. My daughter is now a fan of Molly, who she says is very well behaved and playful. 이제 슬슬 내 타임라인이 윈스턴 진저로 도배되니 보기 싫은 사람들도 있을텐데 미안하지만 앞으로 더 심해질 것 같다. 이제 한마리가 아니라 둘이다. 복습하자면 두달전 보호소에서 입양한 윈스턴진저는 당시 7-8주 추정이었고 이제 나이가 석달반이다. 화성시 공장근처에서 발견되었다는데 엄마는 길고양이로 추정되고 새끼들이 6주정도 되었을때 버리고 떠났거나 죽은 것 같다고 한다. 그래서인지 윈스턴은 사람이 들어 올리거나 끌어 안는걸 무지 싫어한다. 대신 사람이 없으면 허전해 하는데 가족 모두 외출하면 밥도 안먹고 있다. 금요일 들어온 몰리는 안산시 아파트촌에서 발견되었다. 수의사는 3-4개월로 추정하던데 윈스턴(2.1킬로)보다 작지만(1.6킬로) 이빨이나 발톱은 더 발달되어 있는 것을 미루어 볼때 윈스턴보다 1-2주는 먼저 태어난 누나가 아닌가 싶다. 목걸이도 되어 있던 것을 보면 길고양이가 아닌 인간주인이 있었던거 같다. 아기고양이가 통상 멀리 돌아다니지 않는걸 미루어 볼때, 더 이상 키울 수 없게되었거나 무지 싫어하는 가족이 있는 사람이 일부러 버린 아이가 아닌가 싶다. 하지만 사람 손을 타서인지 개처럼 사람을 따르고 말도 잘 듣는다. 식탁에 올라가려 할때 말로 올라가지 말라고 한다고 안올라가다니... 그리고 안기만 하면 골골거린다. 첫날은 몰리를 아들 방 베란다에 가뒀다. 윈스턴이 자기 구역을 침해 받지 않았음을 인식시키기 위해서이다. 만 하루후 자연스럽게 중간지역에서 만날 수 있도록 하였는데 윈스턴은 도저히 못 받아들이겠는지 하앍거리며 왼앞발(왼발잡이인듯)로 몰리 머리를 치며 도발하고, 몰리의 결국 분노를 샀다. 그 귀엽고 이쁜 몰리가 의외로 싸움은 잘하는데 윈스턴의 목만 정확히 문다. 반면 내 손과 팔은 피투성이가 되도록 잘 무는 윈스턴이 고양이는 물지 못하였다. 둘이 지쳐 휴전하다가 또 반복하곤 하였다. 오늘 아침은 잠에서 깨니 고양이가 내 품에 있길래 윈스턴이 왠일인가 했더니 몰리였다. 윈스턴은 쫒겨나 소파 밑에 쭈그려 앉아 있었다. 오늘 또 2차회전 시작인데 이게 앞으로 얼마나 더 갈지 모르겠다. 다행이 아직 피가 나거나 다치지는 않았다. 참고로 집안 고양이 정치구도를 보면 나와 아내는 윈스턴 진저가 불쌍해서 좀 위하는 편이고, 아들은 항상 그렇듯 무관심, 딸은 이미 몰리에게 폭 빠졌다.
Posted on: Sun, 03 Aug 2014 01:05:07 +0000

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