For those passing on this info, please sternly specify a lot of - TopicsExpress


For those passing on this info, please sternly specify a lot of MIGHTs, MAYBEs, IFs, and POSSIBLEs. I havent received any clear answers one way or the other. We might go home. Today? Tomorrow? Maybe. If Rowan will finish weaning off her air assistance. So it is possible very very soon we will be back in our own little nest. The charge nurse, although very polite and professional, gave me a stern little chat about Harper. Early enough, she said, so I could make preparations. Oh you know, regardless of everything Im trying to explain to them... She still has to go. My big sis is going to take Harp for the night shift. Thankfully Kendall is in town to help watch their little one on top of everything. Better news, we went from 2L of oxygen post-procedure Friday morning gradually down to 3/4L yesterday, overnight down to 1/2L, then this morning 1/4L, to 1/8L around noon, and I had them lower it to 1/16 just now. Next step is 1/32L, then 0. I had a little tete-a-tete with Respiratory. I said we are going home immediately and I needed their help. She said every 2 hours page the desk and have them turn her down another click. After we zero out, a period of monitoring to make sure she doesnt dip low again out of nowhere... And then we get another round of doctors for verifying shes clear and potentially home! But that may not be until morning. So far so good. She is holding SATs of 96-100% at her 1/16L oxygen. We are all very ready for home! Theyve kept very close to their routine today, thank goodness. Both had a mini nap at 11, and having a bit of quiet time now. Great news is we are out of isolation. No more masks and gowns for outsiders. All her flu, RSV, infection, viral tests came back negative, meaning she is a healthy owlie! We are waiting to receive results on the samples our Pulmonologist (I think thats the right term), Dr. Sindle took during her bronchoscopy (brawn-koss-coe-pee) of the liquids in her airway. He wanted it tested to see if she could possibly be aspirating her feeds. Missed our secondary orthopedic appointment at 11 with Dr. Nimit today. I have tried calling since 8am and cant get anyone to answer. Hmm. I asked the doctor here to please ask a nurse to try calling on our behalf but no one knows if or when or by whom that did/could have been taken care of. Lots of moving parts. Ill try calling back in a bit. If youve made it reading everything this far, thanks for hanging in there! Lots of updates about to be on my business page as well. Facebook/oosnpid Hoping and praying for one trip home today with both babies. Thank you all so very much for prayers. Still needing some answers, but we can get those from home. So come on, SATs!!
Posted on: Mon, 07 Apr 2014 19:34:53 +0000

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