For those that are saying Robin Williams was wrong in ending his - TopicsExpress


For those that are saying Robin Williams was wrong in ending his life understand one thing DEPRESSION is real! I KNOW.... Im going to share ONE personal story about myself that I have never shared publicly.... From 1999 to about late 2001 I suffered from Depression and use to pop 9 pills A DAY just to try and get through my days! I know what it was like to be ON SUICIDE watch in the hospital for 3 days straight. Not even being able to have a TV in my room just a bed and the lonely cold nights I spent in that Mental Health unit CRYING, WANTING TO GIVE UP. Yes the JOLLY, HAPPY, CONFIDENT person you see today went through a serious spell of depression... Lucky for me I had God beside me and I got through those dark years and somehow made it out. I threw out all of my pills in 2002 and have not looked back since until today... With the exception of the occasional panic attack and a couple XANAX here and there Ive handled my life challenges head on and with full focus! However seeing someone like Robin Williams pass on only reassures me Im VERY LUCKY and it can happen to ANYBODY! So be more sensitive when speaking on this because your boy JACK NINE had seen those dark moments..... Its not easy and can feel like you the last person on earth. You feel no one can relate. You feel ashamed everyday! You feel unloved.... Its heartbreaking....Praise God Im here to tell you this story... I dont usually share too much of my life on here but today hit home....
Posted on: Tue, 12 Aug 2014 04:44:29 +0000

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