For those that don’t know me personally, I was injured in a car - TopicsExpress


For those that don’t know me personally, I was injured in a car accident at age 19 which left me paralyzed from chest down and needing an electric wheelchair to get around. You never think something so life changing like this could or would happen to you. 25 years later I look back at the strengths that carried me through my weakest moments and those moments I share with you. …….The first week of not eating my body and mind went through a metamorphosis. As my stomach shrank the hunger grew into agonizing pain. My mind knew I needed food to ease these tormenting pains. I begged nurses, and family for food anything even a small bite of pizza. I began to understand what it felt like to starve to death. While an IV fed me the pains in my abdomen did not subside. My muscles deteriorated and my body shriveled to a point where you could see the outline of my bones through my skin. After four weeks of not eating any food I was notified by my nurse, tomorrow I would be able to eat if I could hold down ice chips that day. After a few bites of ice went down without choking the nurses gave me the ok. The nurse read me a menu of items that I could order if I chose. I asked if I could get a double potion as I was really really hungry. I wanted eggs, bacon, toast, jelly, coffee, milk, and orange juice. I think whatever was offered for breakfast I had checked off. I had been waiting for this day for 4 weeks. Morning came and nurse walked in with a full tray of food with my name on it. I could actually smell the scent off eggs just as I had remembered it. Mind you I have been lying on my back for the last four weeks that I had to be slightly raised to swallow anything without choking. The nurse broke off a sliver of bacon and brought it to my lips. As the bacon touched my tongue, an explosion of flavor hit my taste buds in a way only the old ‘Starburst’ candy commercials could relate. I will always love bacon. My next bite of food was of scrambled egg. “Do you want salt and pepper on your eggs the nurse asked.” ”YES,” I anxiously replied. I am not sure if I chewed, savored the flavor or swallowed the eggs before the fork left my mouth as time seem to freeze for a brief second. Oh how the small amounts of flavor seem to not only taste amazing, (yes I am saying this about hospital food) but also the ease of the hunger pains subsided. The nurse brought the second bite of eggs to my mouth and I had to tell her no. The once feeling of hunger was now replaced with bloating. Two bites of food and I was stuffed. 4 weeks of not eating and my stomach shrunk next to nothing, so much that 2 bites was my limit. Although I was full I was anxious for my next meal…..LUNCH. YES, Today I still endure pain, but I chose not to complain, And while my plate is less than others, it is greater than others. I will appreciate my portion. May you be inspired, uplifted and spiritually refreshed …… Please share if this has touched you or you feel it may inspire others….
Posted on: Fri, 09 Jan 2015 15:27:02 +0000

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