For those that read my little post from time to time they are not - TopicsExpress


For those that read my little post from time to time they are not much just a little funny here and there or just reposting things I find meaningful, funny or cute. I have had something on my heart for the past few days and this is one of those rare occasions that I feel I have to write it down and share with the world or my family and friends on face book. This all started with something I heard on the radio the other day and it has been eating at me since. I am not signaling anyone out by no means when I heard it on “88.3 The Wind” I felt like it was speaking to me, but I feel we can all get something out of it. The question went a little like this,,, if you are in a situation let’s say cut off in traffic, have a rude cashier at Wal-Mart a friend, spouse or even a stranger said or did something that rubbed you the wrong, how do you handle it. Do you React or do you Respond? I started thinking about different situations and I did find that there are times I catch myself reacting pretty fast and then later when I think about it or sometimes just as the words are coming out of my mouth I know I handled it wrong but was too late now. Let’s go over the difference reacting first is just saying what pops out of your mouth at the time without giving it thought which is never good. One prime example that I am guilty from a very slight problem I can have with a tiny bit of road rage (we all do admit it). You get cut off in traffic and if you’re like me even though they cannot hear you at all you may say something like stupid did you not see me here in this lane, where did you learn to drive or my biggest pet peeve is when the people in front of me have no clue what the little thing on the steering column is for ITS CALLED A DANG TURN SIGNAL OR INDICATOR. Sorry I yelled there but that is my biggest thing. I am also not a fan of people talking down to me or even being in public and see others going through this and it’s not cool people, not cool. See I let my inner mean Sherry come out with claws drawn even though I say nothing these little outbursts of not really rage but more like aggravation just takes place in my own head and then moves to my heart I don’t want to hurt anyone’s feelings. The thing is it hurts no one but me I go home I dwell on it for a while make myself crazy and then eventually get over it,,,,,,, Why do I do this. We live in a world where everyone has their own opinion and sometimes when I feel different I take that broke heart off my sleeve put it in my pocket and baby it until I finally feel stupid myself for getting to that point. Let’s move on to Respond, in all the examples above we can also choose to respond first and I do tend to do that when I see others in situation where they may be getting hurt be it physically or mentally. I don’t like to be that way I and I sure don’t want to see others hurting. I am trying so hard to become a responder rather than a reactor. First think about the situation, was it and accident did they mean anything hurtful by it or were they possibly just reacting to something going on in their own life? So a car cuts you off in traffic you don’t have a clue what is going on with that person they may be on their way the hospital because their child was in a wreck. Who knows how bad that person in front of you was to that clerk that was checking you out at Wal-Mart treated that clerk then in turn reacted to you. That spouse may have had the worst day ever at work and guess what you are the first one they see and they only know how to react at that moment by being cross or even hateful. I am going to do my best to start responding to those not so nice moments it is easy to tell that clerk that is not so nice that “hey sorry you are having a bad and I am going to pray that God Blesses the rest of your day. Or when a loved one or friend speaks some words that make you want to punch them in the throat remember it will pass, they still love you just be kind and show compassion and love. If that doesn’t work remember you know where they sleep at night,,,,, just kidding. God doesn’t ask a lot out of us just love Him and love one another don’t React,,, Respond!
Posted on: Thu, 18 Jul 2013 06:04:45 +0000

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