For those that were snoozing during earth science in school, let - TopicsExpress


For those that were snoozing during earth science in school, let me see if I can shed some light here. Theres a big reason Im against Planned Obsolescence, garbage mismanagement, and the Global Warming/Climate Change people. Al Gore (who apparently misunderstands a great deal and got a lot of very smart people confused in the process), missed a key component in his documentary, which was the primary launch for all of this Global Warming stuff. See, it boils down to this. Theres two gasses that hes confusing here. Theres CO2 (his focus) or commonly known as Carbon Dioxide. Carbon Dioxide, is what you BREATHE OUT! Earth science taught us that trees and plants, breathe in carbon dioxide, and breathe out oxygen. Its a beautiful system really. The higher the Carbon Dioxide, the healthier the plants. Heres another little tidbit, we arent the only lifeforms on this planet that produce Carbon Dioxide. Every living mammal on the PLANET produces it, and its also produced when plants AND animals DIE. CO, or Carbon MONOXIDE, is what comes out of your cars, every factory on the planet and its a poison. When Carbon Monoxide is created, it looses its ability for the carbon molecule to attach another oxygen molecule and create CO2 instead. While yes, CO2 is also a poison, our planet comes equipped with a wonderful filter system (trees, plants, etc) that takes that poison out, and and return Oxygen. Trees and plants cant do that with CO. Now, because most people dont understand this basic premise, they get to running around like Chicken Little, going OMG WE HAVE TO REDUCE OUR CARBON FOOTPRINT! Its not a problem with Carbon in the first place. Your made UP of Carbon, hence why we are all called Carbon Based Life Forms. Al, played a little switcharoo on you, swapped out two gasses, made you believe that one was the other, and generated FEAR. Meanwhile, hes profiting off of the whole mess. Whats worse, is you are focusing on the WRONG PROBLEM. This is the reason that I scream at people that if they are worried about this, plant a tree, plant SEVERAL TREES and take care of your entire familys carbon footprint for generations. Garbage, pollution, and the like ARE the real problem, but we could NEVER go after our manufacturing practices, when theres profits to be made, can we? Or....can we? PLEASE, if you havent already, look up Planned Obsolescence, find out what it means.
Posted on: Sat, 22 Mar 2014 15:43:20 +0000

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