For those unaware of the CONTEXT of all this over a decade - TopicsExpress


For those unaware of the CONTEXT of all this over a decade or,heres an Update on the *Paul Krugman Wars* and some of the latest skirmishes. His column today Packs a MUCH Bigger PUNCH if youre aware of some of the background… The professor has a lot of followers and a lot of enemies who vilify him relentlessly, from other economists who agree or disagree w/him to comparative novices re. Economics with strong opinions who feel similarly (scores of whom - pro or con - interact heavily and Emotionally on FB)… Im not here voice my POVs (plural), but to present his latest column in some context for those who havent followed the War. — Suffice it to say this issue constitutes a Major Front against those who side with Krugman & those who do Anything But. For YEARS now PKs been warring against the Inflationistas; the the inflation-is-coming crowd whove been relentless about their message/projections that runaway inflation is either happening or about to happen. A lot of PKs enemies keep harping on how he has such an advantage because he preaches from the respected NYT, — but these guys have been selling their goods on CNBC, on The Wall Street Journal’s editorial page, or in Forbes, for starters, which doesnt exactly qualify as shoddy real estate either (except for folks like me & others who dont think highly of [respect] them either): THEY have a lot of Influential Power too… So today the war between Krugman wades into his war against that *Specific Branch* of conservative economists & financial pundits whose (self-proclaimed) brilliant projections have yet to materialize over these many years as “Miraculously, both actual and expected inflation indicators have stayed low… but (whom) attribute the delay to unforeseeable circumstances”. — At *worst* according to PK, some inflationistas resort to conspiracy theories: Inflation is already high, but the government is covering it up even as, as Krugman exclaims The sources purporting to document this cover-up were thoroughly debunked years ago… This column is in direct response to a televised *BLOW-UP* between pundits on CNBC directed against Rick Santelli, a conservative talking head at CNBC whos infamous Tea Party-launching rant years ago kicked the Inflationistas into high gear, subsequently drowning out what many who are considered far more intelligent and respected had to say (while coming to embody the official economic policies of governments throughout the world)… — And we all know how THAT worked out for the Other 98%… (More in Comments.)
Posted on: Fri, 18 Jul 2014 06:56:53 +0000

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