For those walking in the Valley of Baca (Valley of - TopicsExpress


For those walking in the Valley of Baca (Valley of Tears)......learning how to trust God when the way is steep and unclear. Learning to walk from strength to strength means becoming and overcomer (Psalms 84; Job 3:5) Beloved, the whole Psalms 84 is that the pilgrim takes the hard difficult and dark times and turns them into a well full of blessings. And, so he goes strength to strength in the Lord to more strength. Where we finally get the answer to our prayers, where the darkness turns into light, our troubles into blessings and our confusion into understanding. The place in our walk we learn how to turn over our lives completely and we relinquish everything and fall into His arms. The connection here in Psalms 84 between the Temple of God and the journey of the pilgrim through the Valley of Baca (Valley of tears) is there is a struggle in the journey into Gods presence; David refers to the weeping , darkness and clouds on the way to worship God. This is the pattern God has chosen for the Believers lives. David says, after after he arrives in the Temple how glorious one day in Gods presence is worth more then thousands years here on earth. And, how he would rather be a doorkeeper in Gods Temple, just the longing desire to be in Gods Holy Temple more then life. This is also a time in the Believers life also known in scripture as the Secret Place of thunder, where God tests us. (Psalms 81:7) as Moses was tested at the waters of Meribah called, the secret place of thunder. Exodus 17:1-8 where the Israelites doubted and murmured against God. Beloved, when you wonder why did God allow these awful things to happen to us, when the darkness surrounds us on all sides. God is proving us constantly teaching us to trust and hope when God does the unthinkable in our live. When in the secret place of thunder God tests our faith. So, essential He answers us by testing us. When you can finally let of your own expectations of what God should do in your life and instead realize in the deepest part of you, believe and knowing God is faithful no matter what so you will go from strength in the Lord to more strength. (Hebrews 11:27) again tells us in the middle of the trails, God gives you the strength to trust Him and carry on. Hope is what turns the darkness into a well of blessings. Excerpts taken from the book Hope against Hope, by Nancy Missiles
Posted on: Wed, 07 Jan 2015 07:31:11 +0000

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