For those watching and reading in the background.... If you - TopicsExpress


For those watching and reading in the background.... If you follow the chronological order of topics and comments, you will find that as long as I was offering information to help Noonebus in their investigation of the word Nuwaupu or Afroo Oonoo vs. York etc. everything was all good. It was not until I spoke about a watch that Anoot Noonoone Noopooh created and described it as it is and expressed my lack of being impressed with it, that things changed. Now suddenly, Anoot has gone on a rampage to TRY to debate me but dont know how to debate so instead, Anoot TRYS to talk about things Anoot has no knowledge of. Taah Nuun NoobooHu Noopooh has also jumped on the band wagon because of the fact that Noone Science is nothing more than Platonian Philosophy and Noonebus CANNOT and wont looks at things through an African perspective. They claim to be taking the sciences back but arent able to because they are not familiar with the people who originated it and documented it. So you see all the AD-HOMINEM statements on me now and also the POOR attempts to discuss Ancient Egyptian cultural motifs such as Tehuti and Maat etc. They are posting pictures but cant read the Hieroglyphs to know what it even being said in the pictures. All they know is what Europeans have given them and think Tehuti is this or that and Maat is this or that. They even believe by me having Maat in my name that it somehow reflects a women or feminine issues and me being a man, they cant understand that. This is how IGNORANCE takes control of people and they run with it. If Any Noonebus are that bored where they will reach and make up arguments and claims just to have a debate - I suggest using that time to READ A BOOK. Using silly immature taunting tactics is not a good look. If y our behavior is a reflection of your belief system - who would want that?
Posted on: Sat, 27 Dec 2014 00:09:09 +0000

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