For those who are saying that its a fake event or there is nothing - TopicsExpress


For those who are saying that its a fake event or there is nothing like an airshow gonna be held in F-9 Park..A news report from a newspaper of 15 December,2003..A similar airshow was held at the same venue in 2003 too..Read this and believe me that the air show is on Saturday(29 March 2014).. PAF air show commemorates flight centenary: Published 2003-12-15 00:00:00 ISLAMABAD, Dec 14: People of the twin cities of Islamabad and Rawalpindi on Sunday witnessed an impressive air show presented by the Pakistan Air Force (PAF) to celebrate 100 Years of Flight. Although several people in the vicinity of F-9 Park complained that the roars from aircraft had spoiled their peace for the last three days, the turnout proved that it was well worth the discomfort. Families, friends and couples visited the venue to watch the agile and assertive PAF pilots show off their skills. The dark clouds, like an army of nature that had been launching massive attacks on the twin cities at intervals for the last two days, on Sunday afternoon let the sun shine for the spectacular aerobatics by PAF aircraft. The air show included demonstrations such as loops, steep turns, Cuban fight, clover leaf, aileron rolls, Derry Turns and the famous vertical rolls by the PAF aircraft — T-37s, K-8 and F-16. The park, swarmed by excited groups of people, seemed like a big picnic ground. Families settled themselves down occupying little spots in the ground, eating peanuts and oranges. People living in sectors F-10, G-9 and F-8 went on rooftops to view the air show. Besides aerobatics by the sleek jet trainer, K-8 and formation flying by the “Sherdil” in their T-37s, people watched the F-16 dominate the skies.—A Reporter
Posted on: Tue, 25 Mar 2014 12:54:00 +0000

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