For those who do not know me, I come from a long line of New Deal - TopicsExpress


For those who do not know me, I come from a long line of New Deal Progressive Democrats. My Grandfather was business partners with Henry Wallace, who is arguably the last great progressive in Washington. My Father was good friends with Jimmy Carter and Tom Harkin. My Brother worked for Harkin and was a friend of Jay Inslee. The Garsts have long been supporters of the party of blue. Today, I’m a registered Independent. My conversion did not come easily. In the past year, I have undergone a political awakening. And, I have escaped from the blue cult of blind believers. This conversion started with my disappointment in the ACA. ACA did not address the costs of healthcare, and is just a gift to big business. Healthcare sold at a 1000% mark-up is not affordable. The B me cult responded by calling, and deny that the Dems tossed single payer under the bus. Then, the USA engineered the fascist coup in Kiev , installed Nazi in a junta government and have started WWIII. When I questioned Obama’s WWIII, I was called crazy, a racist, a troll and a douche bag Republican. In 2003, when I questioned Bush’s war in Iraq, I was called a treacherous traitor Democrat. Today, I see that both parties look like cults of blind believers. I read a few books by people like Chris Hedges, Chomski, Zimm and Jess Venture, and now my conversion is complete. Although many want you to believe the parties are different, I argue that they are merely different sides of the same coin. Washington is just a huge fascist pig farm of red and blue pigs all owned by K Street. “If voting mattered, they would make it illegal.” Daniel Berrigan I am familiar with many of the pieces of the untold history of America. I recently came across the following video. This ties all those pieces together into the whole ball of string. If you understand the significance of the JFK assassination, it all comes into perspective. Many will discount this ass just crazy conspiracy theory, how to discount this as just conspiracy theory is myopic. I seriously suggest that you watch all of this video and give it serious thought. Because as Mark Twain once said, “Truth is stranger than fiction.” When you understand that the red and blue parties are just different sides of the same coin; then, you will fully understand that our government and the two party system are broken. Furthermore, third parties simply do not have a chance, and only work as a spoiler. Consequently, I came up with a solution I call the party of No Party. Our founding fathers gave us the right to revolution every two years, the right to vote. However, how do you defeat a broken two party system. You tear down the machine. 90% of incumbents are re-elected. Most by a small margin. Thus, if only a small margin of disenfranchised voters simply promote voter imposed term limits by voting against the Incumbent, we can send Mr. Smith to Washington and achieve a near total revolution in only six years. Time for real change. Time to stop the perpetual war machine run by the good old boy club. Join the party of No Party. Vote No Incumbent.
Posted on: Mon, 19 Jan 2015 05:02:20 +0000

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