For those who do not know the exact story of Talibans, Al-Qaeda - TopicsExpress


For those who do not know the exact story of Talibans, Al-Qaeda and OsamaBin Laden.It is common knowledge thatAl Qaeda and Taliban were American creations toimplement its military agenda in the region. In the aftermath of the 1979 Soviet invasion of Afghanistan, there emerged numerous resistance groups called mujahedeen to liberate their country. Amongst themwas Al Qaeda established by Osama bin Laden who hails from a wealthy Saudi family and gave up all his wealth and comforts to liberate Afghanistan. Osama Bin Laden funneled money, arms and fighters from the outside world into the Afghan war.The US, hell bent on defeating its super rival Soviet Union in Afghanistan spent billions andsupplied mujahedeen with money, training and arms. This included the supply of lethal Stinger missiles, whichshot down Soviet helicopter gunships while Pakistan, China, Iran, Saudi Arabia and the Gulf States supplied with cash and arms.Thus in this war against Moscow bin Laden became a reliable American partner. He was elevated to heroic stateby the Americanpoliticians, while the US media gave him all the kudos as a multi-millionaire abandoning his millions and living inthe caves of Afghanistan to fight the Russian occupiers.As expected and, aspredicted by those who knew Afghan history, the Afghans got Soviet Union tobleed before withdrawing in humiliation from Afghanistan within ten years in 1998.Once the war was over, instead of closing ranks in the true spirit, mujahedeen groups started fighting among themselves to grab power. Afghani people who suffered immense expected peace and relief. However all their hopes of a better future were dashed and the infighting brought untold misery.It was around this time in the latter part of 1994 there emerged a group called Taliban-meaningstudents. America hand in glove with Saudi Arabia and theoil rich Gulf States selected Afghan students from religious schools (Madrasas) in Afghan refugee camps inPakistan, trained, armed and financed them to defeat the warring factions and capturepower in Afghanistan.Taliban gained control over several Afghan cities in lightning speed and shocked the world when they successfully captured Kabulin September 1996.Meanwhile the US with its own agenda to control the oil sources of Central Asia tried to make a deal with their Taliban friends for an oil-pipe line to run from the Caspian Sea and through Afghanistan to the warm waters of the Gulf. The secret discussion was reported to have taken place in Texas inthe US but was supposed to have fallenthrough. The US then believed to have dropped their support for their Taliban friends.The Taliban would have been the darlings of Washington if only they had agreed to be party to the proposals of the US oil cartels. The US rushed to sign agreements with Central Asian countries for oil exploration in an endeavor to keep both China and Japanout of the scene. In the guise of introducing democracy, freedom and human rights, the US aggression brought back to power war lords, gangsters, hooligans and murderers, who terrorised, looted and killed innocent people.Summing up the situation Malalai Joya who is the youngest and most famous female MP in Afghanistan who now lives in exile and whose bravery and vision have won her an international following had this to state in her book “ Raising My Voice”“Afghans are represented in the media as a backward people, nothing more than terrorists, criminals and henchmen. This false image is extremely dangerous for the future of both my country and the West. The truth is that Afghans are a brave and freedom loving people with a rich culture and a proud history. We are capable of defending of independence, governing ourselves and determine ourown future. But Afghanistan has long been used as a deadly playground in the Great Game between superpowers, from the British Empire to Soviet Empire, and now the Americans and their allies. They have tried to rule Afghanistan by dividing it. They have given money and power to thugs, fundamentalistsand warlords who have driven our people into terrible misery. We do not want to be misused and misrepresented to the world. We need security and helping hand aroundthe world, but not this endless US led so called “War on Terror” which is in fact war against the Afghan people”.This proves what Indo-Pak subcontinent’s great poet philosopher Sir Allama Mohammad Iqbal said:Afghanistan remains a grave a graveyard for invaders.So much even Alexander the Great saidit is easy to get into Afghanistan, but extremely difficult to get out”.
Posted on: Tue, 20 Jan 2015 05:59:37 +0000

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