For those who dont know this, the University of the Free State - TopicsExpress


For those who dont know this, the University of the Free State is not overseas, its in Bleomfontein, The Free State. Its the Stanford College course that has overseas marketing qualifications. What might confuse people is that the billionaire, Oprah Winfrey, got her degree at the University of the Free State in 2011. The University of the Free State is the university that locked me up in Orange Hospital helped by those doctors and counsellors. These people lie because only the Care group/clinic/hospital nurses got that huge first gross salary for tax(R120 000, R430 000 per month) and then the second gross salary they spend on their salary slips, other nurses just got the second/final gross salary that is not huge. We got plenty electricty/umbane and money for more. Ill spend R100/R2.50 just to show you we still got money and easily afford electricty, varsity, food,townhouses&location/township houses, cars and many other things you haters dont afford. Ill spend R2.50 from that R100. Not even R10. The day haters did the load shedding thing last week, i bought blue candles that cost over R10 so that the colour blue would remind you about the load shedding spell. Those candles cost R16. Today, there is no load shedding but the TV channels just got lost. They love lying and claiming nonsense. Let me remind you-The University of the Free State wasted over R130 000 of my familys money that my family spent on me in the 2 years 4 months i spent in Bloemfontein. I got the marketing qualification The University of the Free State and those doctors crew didnt want me to get. The 5fm/SABC djs who studied at the University of the Free State might think that im mad when i say my family spent over R130 000 in 2 years just on me because the University of the Free state is not that expensive, its cheap. Its because my family has a bit of money and loves spending money on eduction. My mom is completing her 6th diploma and she paid for three people at varsity and Usisi and Umkhulu also paid for 3 to 5 people at varsity. We are not rich, we just afford. I did not wanna tell people that we had a house better than 18 Scholts and the other house Bloemfontein people spoke about & said said had a jacuzi. The truth is we got a house with a jacuzi/steam room, double garage, new kitchen, 4 bedrooms without hardbord divisions two bathrooms and an outside toilet plus outside rooms and a swimming pool, dining room, nice spacious pantry/sulary and lounge. That house could sell for way over R2 million. We got other house and the one in currently live in could sell for R1.5 million but there is nothing wow about the Queenstown house. I didnt tell you that because you would have told those girls as you usually told the girls my things. The only WOW thing about the house that could sell for R1.5 million is that it is near the Casino, Hotel, the Private hospital and very close to the main shops(in the CBD) other than that, it has nothing WOW about it. Im not the same as i was at 18 Scholz even though i gained a bit of weight at 18 Scholtz. I gained even more and you might not recognize me when you see me but im not that fat. I dont know what they did to the TV channels but we got plenty electricity and money for more. Even if you do your channel sabortage and load shedding sabortage, we are not buying the etv box plus we dont need the DSTV. We got DSTV already and it kind of bored me in Pretoria. We are not rich, we afford and are just richer than the fools who think they are rich because they drive certain cars but we got rich cousins. When people say Usisi is rich, usisi just says the Mpumalanga bus owner is rich who has a big house, about 18 buses, many taxis, flats. Rich people dont act rich, they just show they are rich. We are just millionaires(my mom has a networth over R1 million) but we are not rich. My brother is not even close to being a millionaire but people think my brother is a millionaire. My brother is not a millionaire. The bank just said my brother should buy the most expensive BMW 1 series that is R400 000-R700 000 when coverted. My brother just bought that black Citi Rox 1.6i he came with at 18 Scholtz then bought a Mamelodi house later. His wife then got promoted to manager then they bought a BMW 1 series push start sport. That BMW 1 had problems because it stopped itself in the highway, because of jealousy, and had other problems then they traded it in for a white BMW they bought last month or beginning of this month. My brother has 3 cars the new BMW, Citi Rox and an old taxi cab. My brother has had that Citi Rox for over 4 years. I complemented when he just bought it. My brother said this is debt/credit but he has cut the Citi Rox debt/credit. My brother is not the millionaire, his mom(my mom) is the millionaire. My brother just has some money. The last number BMW m1 series has a back and the m at the back like any BMW m series car. All BMW 3 series cars are cheaper than the BMW m1 series, only the most expensive BMW m3 when its in fashion is more expensive than the BMW m1 series. There is no BMW m1 series in Queenstown, people just put Ms on their ordinary BMWs. I saw 3 BMW m3 cars that are cheap and outdated in Queenstown. The Audi Q7s i saw in Queenstown are not new, they are cheap and outdated(second hand). The BMW 6 drop top cars in Queenstown are not the M series, they are just cheap ordinary low installment BMW 6 series cars. You cannot tell us about the Mecedez Benz CLS because that car is also cheaper than the BMW m1 series but these people think its expensive because they focus on the credit payment. A Mecedez Benz CLS is 35 000 pounds and a BMW m1 series is 40 000 pounds. A normal Benz class is even cheaper then the Mecedez Benz CLS. Witches did that signal Loss thing because they heard my mom was writing a Univeristy of the North West exam today. This channel loss might give me time to study for my Stanford College exams. I just turn hate to my advantage and haters get crushed even more because what they do doesnt really hurt me, it hurts them. We dont act big with donated cars and other peoples cars, we just like it when people see us in cars bought by family. My aunts sister has a very rich friend, the Motsepes and like and loves that Dodge. We are not these doctors and other competition. Let me explain this so that you get it right, i havent met Patrice Motsepe or his wife but the billionaire Patrice Motsepe gave my aunts sister a car(a Dodge). In my Bloemforntein lessons, there were many famous sports people who usually appeared on TV. I asked the other guys, my team mates and they agreed that they wereon DSTV in the Bloemfontein Celtics junior team but Mike Mayambela said he wasnt the famous soccer player when we asked him. Was that a Mike Mayambela look alike? The time i knew i saw Mike Mayambela and many professional soccer players was 30 minutes before our soccer practice started. We grew up with many celebrities and i used to a role model of the celebrities in my matric class when they were 11 years until they became better than me at sport at about 16 years. One of them is a Springbok player in the 1st 7ths rugby team. They introduced me to hot girls and they were cool. My normal class mates still thought i was better than them because i was in the 4th team and called by the 3rd team coach and became the most improved 4th team player(the deputy headboy of 2008 and me we the most improved 4th team rugby players). Those were the good years when students and teachers still told me i was gonna be a prefect at Queens College before i got expelled. I was known as the weird late comer who was clever than most of them but felt invisible stings in high school. I became the class leader because i was popular amongst my peers and was good at sport and academics. The only sport no one really got better than me at Queens College was soccer and people dont believe that i got underpressure in the Kovsie soccer team and couldnt control the ball. The soccer pressure comes from yourself more than it comes from outside, tryna impress the coaches so that you could be signed. I got signed at a later stage because i got better than their Bloemfontein Celtics player(defender=my position). okay
Posted on: Wed, 30 Oct 2013 12:47:55 +0000

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