For those who don’t know me, I’m Jami Gray, the creative and - TopicsExpress


For those who don’t know me, I’m Jami Gray, the creative and slightly unhinged mind behind the new Paranormal Romantic Suspense series, PSY-IV Teams coming in August and the Urban Fantasy series, the Kyn Kronicles. I’m a desert rat surrounded by three charming, geeks who light up my life and a fur rug who doubles as a Lab. My stories twine magic, murder and mayhem into a thrilling ride—both for my characters and the readers who are daring enough to follow. In my upcoming release, HUNTED BY THE PAST, introduces the first members of PSY-IV Teams, a group of men and woman who find having a few more unique skills come in handy when you’re the first line of defense when danger comes knocking. Blurb: Sometimes death is the only way to out run the past… Changing the past is impossible, a fact ex-marine, Cynthia Arden, understands all too well. Struggling with the aftermath of a botched mission, a panicked phone call brings her home to face a killer’s game. Unfortunately, the distracting Kayden Shaw returns as well, the one man she thought would stand by her, until he chose his job over her. To survive, will Cyn risk her heart or lose the man she loves and her life? EXCERPT: Behind me, the sound of the door being shoved flat against the wall jerked my attention back to the entryway. Cold sweat erupted down my spine. The man strong-arming my door stood at least six two and he wasn’t selling cookies. A black T-shirt outlined broad shoulders and a heavy chest, explaining why my brilliant plan of knocking him back through the doorway had been destined for failure. My mind took in details, trying to put the pieces together. Brown hair, thick and shaggy, framed dark eyes in a startling savage face. Still reeling from using my stupid ability, I couldn’t make the picture stick, but a niggling sense of familiarity pecked at my mind. Besides, now wasn’t the time for polite introductions. An impressive snarl emerged from inside the neatly trimmed goatee, “Hello, Cyn.” His deep voice raised every hair on my body and sent my pulse into overdrive. MuseItUp Publishing: https://museituppublishing/bookstore/index.php/our-authors/57-our-authors/authors-g/445-jami-gray Smashwords: https://smashwords/books/view/449240 Barnes & Noble: barnesandnoble/w/books/1119776913?ean=9781771275538&itm=1&usri=9781771275538 iBooks: ARe: https://omnilit/product-huntedbythepast-1553419-143.html Kobo: store.kobobooks/en-us/books/Hunted-by-the-Past/PsOHi6QaXUSjCDITW_cZ-A?MixID=PsOHi6QaXUSjCDITW_cZ-A&PageNumber=1&MixID=PsOHi6QaXUSjCDITW_cZ-A&PageNumber=1 ON SALE: Hunted By The Past is available to pre-order at $2.99 until Aug. 26th, then it’s back to $5.95, so take advantage of the pre-order and get yours now! GIVEAWAY DETAILS: In honor of today’s party, I’m giving away two (2) eBook copies of Hunted By The Past! TO ENTER: Just leave a comment below and answer this question: What keeps you hooked on Paranormal Romance? The danger or the romance? Good luck and have fun!
Posted on: Sat, 19 Jul 2014 19:51:34 +0000

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