For those who have followed my journey for close to 2 years - TopicsExpress


For those who have followed my journey for close to 2 years now...most of you know why I chose to share it with my circle of influence. At first I thought I would make my journey available to my friends but after it was published in the paper, I had over 500 friend requests in one day so I opened my facebook to everyone (public). I really wanted it to be an encouragement to others. I wanted to let His light shine through me in the darkness. I wanted to build your faith by sharing Gods faithfulness through the good & the not so good days. I had prayed for a long time that God would open doors where I could make a positive impact on my world. God told me it would be a test that would become the next part of my testimony. I would never have thought that it would involve a grade 4 cancerous brain tumour surgery, 30 radiation and 142 chemo treatments but God showed me that this would prove his mighty power all the more and it has. My doctors, Oncologists, Radiologists, Surgeon, Nurses and many others are now calling me a walking miracle! I give my God the highest praise! I also never take one day for granted. Perhaps when you have read my testimony, you have wondered, God, why havent I told others what youve done for me? Or have you felt that your story isnt as exciting as someone elses? Have you felt that you have nothing to offer? Friend, this simply isnt true. Jesus wants you to lift him up so he can draw people to his side, and one of the ways you exalt him is by telling others what hes done for you. You all have so much to share! The very anecdote that seems so insignificant to you could be exactly what someone else needs to hear to have faith in him. Always remember that the hope you have in Jesus Christ is like a cool drink of living water to dry and thirsty souls. So offer all you have and trust him to satisfy them. God, there are so many things you have done for me that I need to share with others. You dont want me or anyone else to keep these things to ourselves. You want us to share it for your Glory! My desire is that others around me will put their trust & confidence in the Lord as well. Tomorrow I will find out the latest results of my vision tests. Im noticing some improvement. It sure would be nice to drive again. :-) I trust you Lord. You have never left me nor forsaken me. You are my refuge and my strength. I trust your leading.
Posted on: Thu, 20 Nov 2014 23:33:05 +0000

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