For those who may not have seen this on Yellow Board: Here is a - TopicsExpress


For those who may not have seen this on Yellow Board: Here is a statement posted in 2006. I am Doug Lean, former guitarist with Mike Smiths Rock Engine. I will be making a series of statements over the coming weeks about the events before and after Mike Smiths accident in Spain which left him in the condition that he is now in. Mike was my dear friend at the time and I was the first person to see him at the hospital in La Linea, Spain along with MSRE drummer, Paul Skelton on the day that he was found at his home paralyzed. I also visited him with my partner the following day after he had been transferred to Cadiz hospital. That was the last time that I saw Mike, as his wife banned me from any further contact with him from the day that she arrived back from the USA. Her reason for this was that she accused me of trying to break up their marriage. On the contrary I was looking after Mike in my home after he was pushed out of his own home because his wife was divorcing him. He was close to a complete breakdown after already losing his only son in an accident earlier that year. I was only doing what any good friend would do to try and help him through a very difficult and tragic time in his life. I have kept quiet for over two years out of respect for Mike and his terrible condition but I now feel that its time to put the record straight about a few things both before and after Mikes tragic accident. Mrs Smith has continually denigrated me in various ways to different people over the last two years and has isolated me from him completely. The last time I saw Mike, we were still great friends and I would have done everything I could to help bring some quality of life to him in his terrible situation. I dont know what has been said to him in private since his accident but I suspect that he does not know the truth about why I and many other people have not been allowed to visit him since that terrible day. I will endeavour to tell the truth about the events after the tragic death of his son Jamie, the trip to Denver for the Kool concerts and the weeks preceding our last trip to the USA when Mike stayed with my family and I while his wife was demanding a divorce. I will also publish documentation from myself and other parties who would like to put the record straight, including a statement from the Charitable Fire And Rescue service in Spain who were first to see him at his house after the accident and took him to the hospital in La Linea and went far beyond the call of duty to help Mrs Smith only to be left with outstanding bills and treated terribly afterwards. I will also publish a message from her son Michael Kelly Mahan that makes very interesting reading. It was I that got Mike back on the public stage after many years away from it and it was I that arranged all the rehearsals and preparation at my house prior to the first tour for 30 years to the USA. I was also the person that financed the first tour to New York via a loan for £8,000 to Mike and Charlie Smiths company. Mrs Smith said that she would repay that to me and sever all ties to me completely. So far she has not paid me anything. I was the person who suggested staging a benefit concert in Spain for Mike in conjunction with The Royal Theatrical Fund. The RTF agreed that it was a great idea and would provide their accountant to oversee the financial side of things and The RTF would receive all proceeds from the event. This concert was in the planning stages by December 2003 and a committee was formed to plan the event. I already had assurances from Kenney Jones of The Who and he had spoken to Ronnie Wood from The Rolling Stones who was willing to participate. Kenney Jones is a good friend of Mike and myself and promised to use all of his influence to pull as many name artists in to raise as much money as possible. I have never understood why someone would want to stop this event from taking place. I dont see why I should be cut off completely while at the same time Mrs Smith receives large charitable donations that have nothing really to do with the help and upkeep of Mikes care. This is paid for by the NHS in England. The release of Mike from hospital with 24 hour nursing is something that has been discussed but it is apparently not convenient for Mrs Smith to be in England full time to help care for him. Contrary to what a lot of people believe, Mrs Smith spends a great deal of time in Spain and not at Mikes side caring for him like the loving wife. As I write this statement on 28th December 2005, Mrs Smith has just been seen taking lunchtime coffee in Café Moncayo, Pueblo Nuevo de Guadiaro, Spain with her nice new Luis Vuitton hand bag on full display on the table. Mike is in hospital in England alone. This woman continues to send me abusive insulting email and threatening that she will never ever pay me what she owes me, so it is with deep regret that I have to do this but I cannot continue to keep quiet about the truth whilst watching statements continually posted that portray a picture of a loving, caring Christian woman.
Posted on: Wed, 02 Jul 2014 23:53:58 +0000

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