For those who message me prvately and tell me they are financially - TopicsExpress


For those who message me prvately and tell me they are financially embarrassed ....or poor...or needing money for this that and the answer is always the same.......God WILL provide your needs....if your trust is in Him. Look....I have no hesitation in admitting that Col and I have no money.....but never do I consider that we need money. Life is how we look at it. We will either be content in our circumstances....or not. It is that simple. Col and I have sufficient to live on...and no we do not need money. God takes care of our needs.......because He alone knows what they are. Accordingly He provides at the very times we need it. I find no desire to tell people....anyone....what our needs are ....because God alone is our Jehovah Jireh. I will and do, frequently ask, publicly, for prayer where my faults are concerned. I love it when my fellow saints pray on my behalf.......that my attitude changes, that God renews a right spirit within me or that I keep my eyes on Him. We are all different when it comes to prayer requests from the brethren. I guess I am saying that our fellow believers are not to be burdened with what we ourselves lack. We simply cannot put others in an awkwrad situation for we do not know ( or need to know ) what their circumstances are....unless they volunteer that information , without any promptings from us. We are either nosey...or we are not. Please...think before you tell people how financially poor you are.....they may be too and feel awkward because they cannot contribute to our pocket. We know we are truly content , in our circumstances.....when we realise that we do not need for others to know that we have little money. One of my beloved brothers on FB offered to contribute to my fare to the States ......because our wires got crossed about the subject...but, in no way would I let him because I KNOW his circumstances and they do not allow for any extra expenditure on a weekly basis. . We simply must be sensitive to others circumstances. Yes, we are to pray for each other......not for our material needs because God alone will provide those. He knows our circumstances and if He wants to bless us financially He WILL do so through the body of Christ. This has happened to me so often...I have not only been blessed with finances, food, clothing but also a near new car....and......the deposit to buy a house....( from an employer and his wife who were unbelievers ) ......all without me saying one word to anybody. I have provided the following link about a Welshman who, without asking one person for one penny, was used by the Lord to have hospitals , universities and a bible colege to be built, in Wales....and who was instrumental in helping the Welsh revival in the early years of the 20th century . He was extremely poor all his life and went everywhere with not one penny in his pocket......but was used by God in the mightiest way. I read his biography 30 years ago....and knew what it was to trust God. May our trust always be in Him alone....and may we be there for our brethren when they need prayer for their faith to be strengthened.
Posted on: Fri, 02 Jan 2015 14:34:51 +0000

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